Seminar on public and municipal administration in a foreign language Seminar 1
Classifying Cultures
Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory
Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory
Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory
The Hofstede Multi-Focus Model on Organisational Culture
Task 1 “Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory ”
Cross-culture communication. Theory Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner models
Cross-culture communication. Theory Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner models
Cross-culture communication. Theory
The Lewis Model of Cross-Cultural Communication
Homework 2
Category: educationeducation

Seminar on public and municipal administration in a foreign language Seminar 1

1. Seminar on public and municipal administration in a foreign language Seminar 1

2. Classifying Cultures

U.S. anthropologist Edward T. Hall (1976) divided cultures according to their
ways of communicating, into high-context (much of the information is implicit)
and low-context cultures (nearly everything is explicit).
U.S. sociologists Talcott Parsons and Edward Shils (1951) suggested that all
human action is determined by five pattern variables, choices between pairs of
1. Affectivity (need gratification) versus affective neutrality (restraint of impulses);
2. Self-orientation versus collectivity-orientation;
3. Universalism (applying general standards) versus particularism (taking particular
relationships into account);
4. Ascription (judging others by who they are) versus achievement (judging them by
what they do);
5. Specificity (limiting relations to others to specific spheres) versus diffuseness (no
prior limitations to nature of relations).

3. Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory

Between 1967 and 1973, a large survey study
regarding national values differences across
the worldwide:
he compared the answers of 117,000 IBM
matched employees samples on the same
attitude survey in different countries

4. Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory

Geert Hofstede came up with
six basic issues that society
needs to come to term with in
order to organize itself.
These are called dimensions of
Each of them has been
expressed on a scale that runs
roughly from 0 to 100.

5. Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory

Hofstede Insights was created in 2017 from a
merger between Itim International and The
Hofstede Centre and deliver solutions:
to optimise international teamwork;
to improve global cooperation;
to find the right balance between
standardisation and localization.



7. The Hofstede Multi-Focus Model on Organisational Culture

8. Task 1 “Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory ”

1. Analyze and discuss the materials.
2. Prepare the "cultural profile" of Russia using the Hofstede
• 35 minutes to prepare, then present the results



10. Cross-culture communication. Theory Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner models

11. Cross-culture communication. Theory Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner models

12. Cross-culture communication. Theory





17. The Lewis Model of Cross-Cultural Communication

18. Communication

19. Communication

20. Homework 2

• Analyze all the resources !!!(see presentation)
• Prepare short essay and presentation on the topic “Russia
and… your country”
!!! I'm waiting for 2 documents – the written essay and the
ppt presentation!!!
• Questions:
- The brief description of the each model (essay)
- The comparison of Russia and foreign country by the
criterions of the models (essay+ ppt)
- How can we use this information in public and municipal
administration? (essay+ ppt)
Presentation time- 7 minutes!!
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