
Education. What is education?

1. Education

Ekaterina Galtsova
land and property relations 1\9

2. What is education?

Education is a single purposeful process of education and
training, as well as a set of acquired knowledge, skills,
values, experience and competencies.

3. What is included in the training?

Federal state educational standards and Federal state requirements, educational
standards, educational programs of various types, levels and (or) orientation;
Organizations engaged in educational activities, teaching staff, students and
parents (legal representatives) of underage students;
Of the Federal state bodies and bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian
Federation exercising the state control in the sphere of education, and local
governments exercising administration in the sphere of education, created the
Advisory, consultative and other bodies;
Organizations engaged in educational activities, assessment of the quality of
Associations of legal entities, employers and their associations, public associations
operating in the field of education.

4. Form of education

for example, evening general education
courses or schools
is a long-term program or short-term course

5. Informal education

This process of obtaining new knowledge often takes place
outside the specialized educational space, while there are
specific goals, methods and techniques, and most
importantly, the result of training. Can be carried out by
educational or public organizations, various clubs and
clubs, sections, when training with a teacher or coach
individually, and is a variety of trainings, courses, seminars,
round tables, which are accompanied by the issuance of a
document confirming additional training — certificate of
participant, diploma of advanced training, certificate.


7. Formal education

This learning process takes place in a well-organized and
hierarchically ordered context, culminating in the issuance
of a state-recognized form-a diploma of primary /
secondary vocational or higher education or a schoolleaving certificate. This process has a certain duration for
various programs based on state curricula and state
standards of education, which are organized mainly by
formal, registered organizations.



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10. General education aims

General education is designed to ensure that students
master the basic forms of social activities that will ensure
the adaptation of students to further education and life. In
this regard, one of the main objectives of the school is the
formation of students in the learning skills and cognitive
activity, the formation of methodological culture.


This is the training of specialists of primary, secondary and higher qualification to
work in a certain field of activity. Like general education, P. O. focuses on the
development of the individual; a specific goal is the adaptation of students to the
peculiarities of the chosen sphere of work for the realization of the abilities and
interests of each individual.
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