
Sistem of education: Japan


Sistem of education:
Klochkovich and

2. Education in Japan

There are some types of
education such as boarding
school ,single-sex
school,state school,private
school, specialist school
So we would like to say a
few words about
education in Japan

3. Studying in school

In Japan, the school year begins in April and
consists of three trimesters, separated by
holidays. Students in Japan attend classes
from Monday to Friday or Saturday,
depending on the school. A distinctive feature
of the educational system of Japan is that
throughout the school, the composition of
groups and classes is constantly changing. it
is believed that this develops sociability.
Teachers at the school also change every year,
this reduces the negative effect if the teacher
does not like the child


Most of the schools in Japan's education
system are municipal and are financed from
the budget, but about 5% are private
schools, for which tuition is paid. Pupils in
Japanese schools have been studying for 12
years, which is slightly more in comparison
with other countries. Classes in schools are
usually large, about 40 people. Each class
has its own premises, and teachers come
there to conduct a lesson, the duration of
which is 45 or 50 minutes. Education in
grades 10-12 is not compulsory, but 94%
of students study for 12 years.

5. Studying in university

With higher education in Japan, the
situation is almost the opposite - 80% of
universities are non-state. There are 726
universities in Japan with 2.8 million
students (compared to 7.5 million
students in Russia). Education at
universities consist of 2 studies:
undergraduate (4 years) and master's
programs (2 more years). The best in
Japan are two universities: Kyoto
University and Tokyo University, and
Keio and Waseda Universities also hold
high positions in world rankings.

6. Sport

Japanese sport unites,
teaches to lose and fight, and
also involves Japanese people
in collective activities late on
weekdays and during
weekends. This reduces stress
when going to work with
harsh conditions. And maybe
even prolongs life.


Grading system
There are 100- points
grading system.
This is done , because
teachers'd like to show
students where their
mistakes and unfolds
And help them


School uniform
There are three types of
clothing in educational
for primary school;
for secondary school;
for high school.



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