Category: englishenglish

Сравнение birthday


give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
say what the pictures have in common
say in what way the pictures are different
say which of the parties presented in the pictures you'd prefer
explain why


I’d like to compare and contrast these two
give a brief description (action, location)
The common theme of these pictures is birthday. In
the first photo we can see a boy and his father. They
are at the table. The second one depicts a group of
children with clowns somewhere in the café.


say what the pictures have in common
On the one hand, these two photos have a lot in common
[ˈkɔmən]. The main similarity between these two photos is a
birthday cake with candles in the foreground. Another
similarity is the feelings and emotions in both pictures. The
children are very excited and concentrated, they are going to
blow out the candles on the cakes.
That's where the similarities end.


say in what way the pictures are different
On the other hand, in some ways the photos are really
different. In the first one we can see a birthday boy at the
table with his father in the living room. Whereas, the second
photo shows us a birthday girl with her friends, wearing
special birthday hats. Also, I can pay attention to the size of
birthday cakes. In the second photo there is a big cake with 6
candles while in the first one we can see a small cake with 4
candles on it.


say which of the parties presented in the pictures you'd
As for me, I’d prefer to be at a the birthday party presented in
the second picture
explain why
because I like to celebrate birthday with friends and it's very
exciting and fun.
(Заключительная фраза может быть следующей)
Well, that’s all for now. I have tried to show the similarities
and the differences of these two pictures.
contrast ['kɔntrɑːst],


These (Here) are two photos. They are connected with the topic (sport, party, food, family,
travelling, weather)
I am going to compare and contrast these two photos (pictures).
Краткое описание фото (не более 2-х фраз на каждую картинку, кто изображен, что делают и
где находятся. Использовать Present Continuous)
In the first photo (picture) we can see ...
The second one (picture) shows us (depicts) ...
Говорим о сходстве (сначала лучше сказать о явном сходстве)
These two photos have a lot in common.
The main similarity between these two photos is ...
Another similarity is...
Говорим о различиях (для успешного ответа желательно выявить не менее 2-х отличий)
However, these photos have some differences.
Firstly, the main difference between two photos is ...
Далее можно любое стандартное различие найти (количество людей, возраст, погода,
настроение, одежда и т.д)
Secondly, in the photo on the left we can see... in the photo on the right ...
Говорим о своих предпочтениях
As for me, I would prefer ... because ...
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