The Church of England and the Catholicism.
Apostolic succession
Differences with Catholicism
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Category: historyhistory

The Church of England and the Catholicism

1. The Church of England and the Catholicism.

Maria Bondarenko II-28

2. History

Creation – 1534
– Branches appeared
Attempts at Reunification
– Queen Mary
– mid-19th century - Oxford Movement
– Vatican II, hopes for the prospect of reunification rose again
– Even now some movements aimed at reuniting the Church of
England with Rome

3. Similarities

• The relationship between
Anglicanism and Roman
Catholicism has always been
different from the other
Catholic-Protestant divides
• Do not really dispute over some
meaningful theological matters
• Even after the split, the Church
of England maintained a
hierarchy with bishops and
priests – Apostolic succession

4. Apostolic succession

Апостольская преемственность
• Apostolic succession, in
Christianity, the principal
according to which bishops
represent a direct,
uninterrupted line of continuity
from the Apostles of Jesus

5. Differences with Catholicism

• The head of the Church of England– the
• “Sola Scriptura” – rely only on Bible
• Interpret The Holy Scripture freely

6. Thank you for your attention!

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