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Использование компьютерных презентаций на уроках английского языка
1. Использование компьютерных презентаций на уроках английского языка.
Из опыта работы учителяанглийского языка
Гимназии№2 Карпеза И.М
2. Применение компьютерных презентаций в учебном процессе позволяет
интенсифицировать усвоение учебногоматериала учащимися и проводить занятия
на качественно новом уровне
3. Компьютерные презентации
• позволяют акцентировать вниманиеучащихся на значимых моментах излагаемой
информации и создавать наглядные
эффектные образцы в виде иллюстраций,
схем, диаграмм.
• воздействуют сразу на несколько видов
памяти: зрительную, слуховую,
эмоциональную и в некоторых случаях
4. Использование компьютерной презентации на уроке позволяет:
повысить мотивацию учащихся;
использовать большое количество
иллюстративного материала;
• интенсифицировать урок, исключив время для
написания материала на доске;
• вовлечь учащихся в самостоятельный процесс
обучения, что особенно важно для развития их
общеучебных навыков.
5. Do you believe in any superstitions?
6. If you find a horseshoe…..
In BritainIt will bring good luck and it
should be turned upside down
In Russia
It will bring good luck and it
should be turned upside down
7. Oops! It’s broken
In BritainIn Russia
Seven years bad luck to break a
To look into a broken mirror, or
to keep broken mirrors or
plates, will bring bad luck.
8. Do you really like whistling?
In BritainIn Russia
Whistling in a house would bring
misfortune to that household
You can't whistle in the house or
car, as they believe that you
are whistling away your
9. If you spill salt …..
In BritainIf you do, you must throw it over
your shoulder to counteract
the bad luck.
In Russia
Spilling salt is considered bad
luck, but Russians don't throw
salt over their shoulder to
remedy this.
10. If your…..
In Britainright ear itches, someone is
speaking well of you. If your
left ear itches, someone is
speaking ill of you
In Russia
ears or cheeks are hot, someone
is thinking or talking about
you (usually speaking ill
11. Is it lucky to meet a black cat?
In BritainIt is lucky to meet a black cat.
Black cats are depicted on
many greeting cards.
In Russia
If a black cat crosses your path,
it's bad luck. Russians will
often wait for someone else to
walk there first
12. Friday 13!!!!
In BritainIn Russia
The number 13 is unlucky.
Friday the 13th is a very
unlucky day.
People consider number 13 as
the devil dozen
13. What superstitions are mentioned here:
Would you marry in black or white?Cut your nails on a Friday night?
Give a witch a lock of your hair?
Break a mirror or not even care?
Jump up out of the wrong side of bed?
Never sing, but whistle instead?
Is your favourite number 666?
Do you enjoy taking all these risks?
Do you still feel glad?
No, you’re not brave
14. Questions to think about for Students
1. Which British superstitions are similar to those in yourcountry?
2. Which are different?
3. Do you know anything about the origins of some of the
superstitions in your country?
4. Can you give the definition of "superstition"?
5. Do you believe that they can influence our lives and still
live on in the age of science?