
Developing Global Managers


Developing Global Managers

2. Cultural Influences on Organizational Behavior


3. A Model of Societal and Organizational Cultures

• Societal culture
– Beliefs and values about what is desirable and
undesirable in a community of people, and a set
of formal or informal practices to support the

4. Ethnocentrism

• Ethnocentrism
– belief that one’s native country, culture, language,
and behavior are superior to all others.


The Hofstede Study:
116,000 IBM employees from 53 countries worldwide
Power distance. How much inequality does someone
expect on social situations?
Individualism – collectivism. How loosely or closely is
the person socially bonded?
Masculinity – femininity. Does the person embrace
stereotypically competitive, performance oriented
masculine traits or nurturing, relationship-oriented
feminine traits?
Uncertainty avoidance. How strongly does the person
desire highly structured situations?

6. Becoming Cross-Culturally Competent

Cultural Paradoxes Require Cultural Intelligence,
the ability to interpret ambiguous crosscultural situations accurately.


Emotional intelligence: ability to manage
oneself and interact with others in mature and
constructive ways.
Test: Fill in the test on your emotional
behavior in the University setting.
Tick (v) the answer you think applies.
Add points which, to your mind, are missing.

8. Project GLOBE

• GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational
Behavior Effectiveness)
– attempt to develop an empirically based theory to
describe, understand, and predict the impact of
specific cultural variables on leadership and
organizational processes and the effectiveness of
these processes

9. Basic Cultural Dimensions from the GLOBE project

1. Power distance - How equally should power be distributed?
2. Uncertainty avoidance - How much should social norms and
rules reduce uncertainty and unpredictability?
3. Institutional collectivism - How much should loyalty to the
social unit override individual interests?
4. In-group collectivism - How strong should one's loyalty be to
family or organization?
5. Gender egalitarianism - How much should gender
discrimination and role inequalities be minimized?
6. Assertiveness - How confrontational and dominant should one
be in social relationships?
7. Future orientation - How much should one delay gratification
by planning and saving for the future?
8. Performance orientation - How much should individuals be
rewarded for improvement and excellence?
9. Humane orientation - How much should individuals be
rewarded for being kind, fair, friendly, and generous?

10. Bringing the GLOBE Cultural Dimensions to Life

• The automatic listing and announcement of prayer
times anywhere in the world
• A compass showing the direction of prayer toward
• A complete transcription of Koran in Arabic with
accompanying English translation

11. Countries Ranking Highest and Lowest on the GLOBE Cultural Dimensions


12. Individualism vs Collectivism

• Individualistic culture
Primary emphasis on personal freedom and
• Collectivist culture
Personal goals less important than community
goals and interests.

13. High-context and Low-context cultures -nonverbal situational cues -precise and brief written and spoken words

Monochronic vs Polychronic cultures
time is precise and firmly measured
time as multidimensional, fluid, and flexible
people prefer to do one thing at a time
people like to tackle multiple tasks at the
same time.

14. Cultural Perceptions of Time

• Monochronic time
– preference for doing one thing at a time because
time is limited, precisely segmented, and schedule
• Polychronic time
– preference for doing more than one thing at a
time because time is flexible and


What is your attitude toward time?

16. The Foreign Assignment Cycle


17. Key Cross-Cultural Competencies

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