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Present Simple tense
1. Present Simple tense We use Present Simple tense to talk about facts, routines, likes, dislikes.
2. Read Jamie’s blog. Are you like Ella or Jamie?
3. Remember this
4. Remember this
5. Complete the sentences with the correct form in brackets
6. Remember this
Listen to the verbs in box and put themin correct column.
Likes, plays, watches, goes, relaxes,
reads, loves, helps, dances, drinks,
1.24, 1.25
7. Listen to Jamie talking about how he and his friends spend free time. Write how often they do these things: 1.26 go out on
weekdayshave fun at the weekend
go rollerblading on Saturday afternoons
go dancing on Saturday night
watch music videos on Sundays
go to the cinema on Sundays
8. What do you like to do at the weekend? Discuss the questions in pairs. 1. Are you always busy or do you prefer to relax? 2. Do
you like to spend time at home or go out?3. Do you have a weekend job?