Do you know geography of GREAT BRITAIN well?
Categories: englishenglish geographygeography

Do you know geography of Great Britain well

1. Do you know geography of GREAT BRITAIN well?

Passive voice

2. What is Great Britain washed by in the East?

• Great Britain is washed by the NORTH SEA
in the EAST.

3. How are IRELAND and GREAT BRITAIN separated?

• They are separated by the
Irish sea.

4. How are Great Britain and Europe separated?

• Great Britain and Europe are separated
by English channel.

5. What is The UK washed by in the West?

• The Uk is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

6. Where is Scotland situated?

• Scotland is situated in the Northern
part of Great Britain

7. Where is Wales situated?

• Wales is situated in the
South Eastern Part of Great

8. Where is Northern Ireland situated?

• Northern Ireland is situated in the
Northern part of Ireland.
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