
Shopping. Which of these words are the names of the shops


2. Read these words:

[ t ] – tomato, meat, bottle, tin, a toyshop,
trainers, trousers, sweater, certainly, little, a little;
[ d ] – doll, doll’s house, teddy bear, dress, a
[ b ] – bread, butter, a baker’s, a butcher’s, buy,
ball, boots;
[ t∫ ] – change, chocolate, cheese, cheap;
[ ∫ ] – shoes, sure, a shoe shop, shirt, T-shirt, a
[ ð ] – this, that, these, a clothes shop;
[ r ] – orange, carrot, try, right, a grocer’s, a

3. What is it?



6. Which of these words are the names of the shops?

Eggs, the dairy, a can of Coke, tins, the
butcher’s, flour, the greengrocer’s,
customers, the baker’s, packets, the
grocer’s, a box of sweets, music shop.

7. WE BUY…. AT THE….


8. Past Progressive

Мы используем это время, когда описываем
действие, происходящее в определенный
момент или в течение определенного
момента в прошлом.
was /were + Ving
My mum was shopping all day long yesterday.

9. What were you doing yesterday?

to read the book;
to do homework;
to watch TV;
to sleep;
to help mum about the house;
to go shopping;
to play computer games.

10. What were these people doing yesterday?

11. There are different types of packaging foods


13. Are these statements true or false?

1. There are a lot of people in the shops before
2. People buy presents for nearest and dearest.
3. Choosing presents is a hard business for
4. He buys whatever comes up.
5. Michael bought a new saucepan for Mum.
6. Michael bought a fish for Granddad's aquarium.
7. Michael bought a cassette with Jane's favourite

14. Read the dialogue.

What can I do for you?
I want a toy for my little brother.
I see. What about this one?
It looks nice. May I try it out?
Yes, certainly. Is it all right?
No, it’s too childish, I think. Have you got something
else, please?
Yes, we have. Have a look at this Harry Potter Lego.
Oh, yes! It’s great! How much?
It costs four pounds.
It’s not too expensive. I’ll take it.
Here you are.
Thank you.

15. Which words belong to shoppers and which to salespersons?

What can I do for you?
I’d like…
Here you are.
I want to buy…
Have you got?
Two pounds fifty pence.
Can I help you?
How much are they?
How much does it cost? I’d like to buy…, please.
Thank you.
Yes, sure.

16. Make up your own dialogues:

Ask what a customer wants.
Ask for what you want.
Say that you have got it.
Ask the price.
Tell the price.
Give money and thank the
salesperson. Say goodbye.
Thank the shopper and say goodbye.
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