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2. Types of films
A thrillerA historical film
A fantasy
A horror film
A western
A comedy
A love story
A documentary
Исторический фильм
Фильм ужасов
Фильм о любви
Документальный фильм
1. A film with lots of music and dance.2. A film in which unnatural and frightening
a. Western
things happen, such as dead people coming
b. Science fiction
to life, people turning into animals, etc.
c. Thriller
3. An action-packed film about cowboys, horses
d. Comedy
and gunfights.
e. Horror
4. A film about space travel or life in an
f. Cartoon
imaginary future.
g. Musical
5. A film made by photographing a set of
6. A suspense film full of violence and crime.
7. An amusing film with a happy ending.
4. Find their equivalents
1) Они сражались заРодину
a) Uncommon Thief
2) Конек-горбунок
b) They Fought for Their Country
3) Берегись автомобиля
c) Jack Frost
4) Табор уходит в небо
d) The Humpbacked Horse
5) Морозко
6) Приключения Незнайки и
его друзей
e) The Adventures of Dunno and
his Friends
f) Queen of the Gypsies