Category: culturologyculturology

Sabantuy It is a celebration of the plough

1. Сабантуй

2. Sabantuy It is a celebration of the plough. Sabantui has no exact date . it takes place at the beginning of summer, after the

Sabantuy It is a celebration of the plough.
Sabantui has no exact date . it takes place at the
b e g i n n i n g o f s u m m e r, a f t e r t h e f i r s t h a y m a k i n g .
Initially the festivals are arranged in villages ,
followed by sabantuy in rural districts , and the
final ones taking place in major cities.


Our grandparents always tell us about history of this festival . Earlier people believed
that owing to this festival they would have a good harvest.


The Tatar wrestling is the main competition of Sabantuy. Wrestlers use
towels and the arm to knock down the opponent . In our village all boys take
part at this competition to find out their power.


The winner becomes the hero of Sabantuy. The prizes for
him is very expensive , like a TV-set or a car. But the main
present is a ram.

6. Sabantuy takes place on the maydan, which would usually be located at the edge of a forest.

S a b a n t u y t a ke s p l a c e o n t h e m ay da n , w h i c h wo u l d u s u a l ly b e
located at the edge of a forest.
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