Topics for speaking
Category: englishenglish

Topics for speaking

1. Topics for speaking

7th form

2. Describe the picture

Speak about the options
What travelling is
How people travel
Where to your best trip was
What the weather was like

3. Describe the picture

Speak about the options
• Why people travel
• What accommodation people can book
• What problems people can have while travelling
• What outdoor leisure activities you do when travel

4. Describe the picture

Give a talk on a famous Russian spot
• Where it is
• Why it is popular
• What tourist can do there
• Whether you want to visit it or not

5. Describe the picture

Speak about the options
• What cultural activities you know
• What your cultural activity is your favourite and why
• What types of music performances there are in the world
• What cultural icons are popular among people

6. Describe the picture

Give a talk on environmental problems
• What problems are the most important nowadays
• What climate changes can be seen
• What climate changes cause
• Who is under threat of global warming
• What possible solutions you can suggest

7. Describe the picture

Give a talk on the topic. Remember to say:
What jobs are in the modern world
What qualifications, equipment are needed
What jobs are popular with university students
What career would suit you and why

8. Describe the picture

Give a talk about yourself
• What appearance you have
• What character is typical of you
• What qualities you like in people
• What qualities you dislike in people

9. Describe the picture

Speak about the options
• What is your favourite profession
• What male professions you know
• What well-paid jobs you know
• Speak about your parents’ professions

10. Describe the picture

Speak about the options
• What hobbies do you know?
• What do you do in your free time?
• Tell about your friends’ hobbies
• Why do people need hobbies?

11. Describe the picture

Give a talk on young generations
What problems teenagers face nowadays
What possible solutions to these problems can be found
What hobbies are popular with teenagers
Whether you have a hobby, what it is

12. Describe the picture

Give a talk on the topic. Remember to say:
What unusual hobbies you know
What exactly one of these hobbies involves
What qualities you need to take it up
Would you like to try it and why

13. Describe the picture

Speak about the options
• What cultural activities you know
• A popular musician in your country
• the drawbacks of being a celebrity
• Would you like to be famous

14. Describe the picture

Speak about the options
• What hobbies do you know?
• What is your hobby?
• What unusual hobbies do you know?
• Can people do sport as a hobby?

15. Describe the picture

Give a talk on the topic. Remember to say:
What adventure sports are popular today
Speak about one sport in detail
Why people like doing adventure sports
Whether you’d like to try one and why

16. Describe the picture

• What types of reading
material you know
• What genres of books
there are in the world
• Why people like
• What is your favourite

17. Describe the picture

• Explain the 
reasons why 
people like 
• What types of 
books do you 
know and what is 
your favourite
• What your reading 
habits are

18. Describe the picture

Speak about the options
• What hobbies do you know?
• What is your hobby?
• What unusual hobbies do you know?
• Can people do sport as a hobby?

19. Describe the picture

Speak about the options
• What hobbies do you know?
• What do you do in your free time?
• Tell about your friends’ hobbies
• Why do people need hobbies?

20. Describe the picture

Give a talk on the topic. Remember to say:
What unusual hobbies you know
What exactly one of these hobbies involves
What qualities you need to take it up
Would you like to try it and why

21. Describe the picture

Give a talk on the topic. Remember to say:
What jobs are in the modern world
What qualifications, equipment are needed
What jobs are popular with university students
What career would suit you and why

22. Describe the picture

Give a talk on the topic. Remember to say:
What adventure sports are popular today
Speak about one sport in detail
Why people like doing adventure sports
Whether you’d like to try one and why

23. Describe the picture

Give a talk on the topic. Remember to say:
What voluntourism is
What popular projects volunteers participate in
What qualifications are needed
Whether this work is hard or easy
Whether you’d like to be a volunteer or not

24. Describe the picture

Give a talk on the topic. Remember to say:
The history of Moscow
Your favourite place in Moscow
Festivals and events in the capital
5 places to visit

25. Describe the picture

Give a talk on the topic. Remember to say:
What types of communication you know
What forms of communication were popular in the past
What type of communication is the most convenient

26. Describe the picture

Give a talk on the topic. Remember to say:
What types of communication you know
What the most popular form of communication nowadays is
How you communicate with friends and why

27. Describe the picture

Give a talk on the topic. Remember to say:
What activities are needed to be healthy
What nasties are harmful to your health
What products are needed to be in a good condition
Whether you have a healthy lifestyle or not / why?

28. Describe the picture

What types of reading material you know
What genres of books there are in the world
Why people like reading
What is your favourite book

29. Describe the picture

• Explain the 
reasons why 
people like 
• What types of 
books do you 
know and what is 
your favourite
• What your reading 
habits are

30. Describe the picture

Speak about the options
• What cultural activities you know
• A popular musician in your country
• the drawbacks of being a celebrity
• Would you like to be famous

31. Describe the picture

Speak about the options
• What cultural activities you know
• What your cultural activity is your favourite and why
• What types of music performances there are in the world
• What cultural icons are popular among people

32. Describe the picture

Speak about the options
Where is a famous Russian spot
Why it is popular
What tourists can do there
Whether you want to visit it or not, why
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