The role of a Foreign language learning in the modern world

The role of a Foreign language learning in the modern world

1. The role of a Foreign language learning in the modern world

Работу выполнил: Рузиев Альмир,
Студент 1 курса электрик “В”
Талгарского колледжа агробизнеса именеджмента

2. Introduction

Foreign languages ​will undoubtedly occupy
an important role in modern life , the
rhythm of life which requires interaction
with their own kind in the different spheres
of life , especially when it comes to
professional activities. Very often a person
needs to communicate a foreign language .

3. International languages



pie charts the number of people speaking in their native language
242 000 000
322 000 000
937 122 000
332 000 000

5. The international language - the language used to communicate a significant number of people around the world . To denote this

concept also
uses the term global significance
language. International language at the
moment is English

6. Modern methods of learning English

Today there are many methods of language learning, which are distinguished by
their originality and uniqueness of applied educational programs. Modern methods
of learning English can be divided into several species and groups, but among this
diversity, we consider several options for new techniques, which are quite
interesting and still gaining its popularity. Well, for starters, we note the advantage
of all the new techniques, it is that you no longer should attend courses one to two
times a week, do not rearrange your work schedule or miss classes at the institute,
everything became much easier and more convenient. And right now, you can learn
English at any time convenient to you and at home, without the help of a network


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