Crypto-Currency Logo Overview Briefing
Creating a Crypto-Currency Logo Iteration VIII.A
Creating a Crypto-Currency Logo Iteration VIII.B
Creating a Crypto-Currency Logo Iteration IX.A
Creating a Crypto-Currency Logo Iteration IX.A
Creating a Crypto-Currency Logo Iteration IX.A
Category: financefinance

Crypto-currency logo overview briefing

1. Crypto-Currency Logo Overview Briefing

2. Creating a Crypto-Currency Logo Iteration VIII.A

1. Please change the outside circle from grey to gold
2. Please remove the small line (crypto look) to be sure this section
Is all “black”.

3. Creating a Crypto-Currency Logo Iteration VIII.B

1. Please change the outside circle from grey to black
2. Please remove the small line (crypto look) to be sure this section
is all “black”.


1. Please remove this line
2. Please put the tick gold line around the coin instead

5. Creating a Crypto-Currency Logo Iteration IX.A

1. Please keep this line
2. Please put another tick gold line around the coin instead

6. Creating a Crypto-Currency Logo Iteration IX.A

1. Please just removed this line

7. Creating a Crypto-Currency Logo Iteration IX.A

1. Please put this tick gold line around the coin instead
2. Please put two small (0.5 mm) gold line above and under “
Mens Sana in Corpore Sano” …
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