MKOU «Vargashinskaya secondary school №1» Project
Healthy and unhealthy food
Products affecting the human body
Category: life safetylife safety

You are what you eat

1. MKOU «Vargashinskaya secondary school №1» Project

«You are what you eat»
Semenov Vladimir
8«А» Form
Vargashi 2019

2. Healthy and unhealthy food

Depending on the content of the products of different
components, they are divided into harmful and useful. Useful
products all kinds of dairy products as well meat fish nuts eggs
fruit pumpkin oatmeal. Harmful to health is fast food.
Polukopcheny and smoked sausage chips sausage hamburger fast
food restaurants foods in mayonnaise Breakfast cereals sodas.
For example, fresh vegetables and fruits contain a wide range of
vitamins that improves the body's state, increases immunity. But
a variety of carbonated drinks, fast food, etc.due to the content of
various harmful substances are harmful to health (for example,
violate metabolism, which leads to rapid obesity).

3. Products affecting the human body

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