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Story about myself
1. Story about myself
2. Hello
HELLOMy name is
Liza Gorbatova. I am
20 years old.
I live in Moscow.
3. My family <3
My family <3I live with my mom. My grandma
with grandpa comes to visit us
every winter. I'm the only child in
my family. My mom and I usually
spend time together, we like to
go to theatre or to the cinema.
When my pensioners comes, we
start hate each other, so this is
our tradition.
Moscow is the capitalof Russia. It is
famous by the very
beautiful architectur
e and also a lot
of landmarks. Many
famous writers have
been leaving there,
for example
- Esenin
- Blok
- Tsvetaeva
I like to read books, sports, to spend my holidays with my friends, for example, go to
the museum.
I listen old-school hiphop and rap, but also
I love Feduk, because he's cool man
■ I have studied in a privateschool, and my lovely subject
was literature. Many people asks
me, Liza, why do chose the
journalist, so, I like to read news,
so discuss them with people,
and I like to be informed.
■ So, what about my dream, I want to createmy own team of journalist and shoot
the reports about the events in the city.
My dream was is to be an investigative
journalist. I was inspired by muckraker,
and I want to make world better.
I meet another journalists,lawyers and operators every
day. Well I enter to this
university ,because I want to
be professional.
9. Thank you see you soon