Classification of children with the general underdevelopment of mental by M.S. Pevzner.
Neurological Disorders: the diseases that form the central concern of neurology. Strokes, brain tumors, and the degenerative
The reasons are various intellectual nedostatatochnosti lesion of the cerebral cortex. These lesions are inflammatory
Aphasia is a communication disorder that results from damage to the parts of the brain that contain language (typically in the
Category: englishenglish

Classification of children with the general underdevelopment of mental by M.S. Pevzner

1.  Classification of children with the general underdevelopment of mental by M.S. Pevzner.

Classification of children with the
general underdevelopment of
mental by M.S. Pevzner.
Purpose: To provide information on the general
underdevelopment of mental

2. Neurological Disorders: the diseases that form the central concern of neurology. Strokes, brain tumors, and the degenerative

diseases of the brain produce
clearly discernible structural damage. As a result of
different diseases in different ways is a violation of the
higher nervous activity, and there are a variety of
mental disorders.

3. The reasons are various intellectual nedostatatochnosti lesion of the cerebral cortex. These lesions are inflammatory

processes: encephalitis,
meningoentsifality, intoxication (endocrine,
metabolic), brain injuries and other diseases. They
lead to systemic disorders of speech, called aphasia.

4. Aphasia is a communication disorder that results from damage to the parts of the brain that contain language (typically in the

left half of the brain).
Individuals who experience damage to the right side
of the brain may have additional difficulties beyond
speech and language issues. Aphasia may causes
difficulties in speaking, listening, reading, and
writing, but does not affect intelligence. Individuals
with aphasia may also have other problems, such as
dysarthria, apraxia, or swallowing problems.


Maria Semenovna Pevzner - doctor - a
psychiatrist, dealing with issues of correctional
work with mentally retarded children, at an
international symposium made a clinical and
educational qualifications oligophrenia
M.S.Pevzner allocated 5 groups:


1. group - a simple form of mental retardation. It includes those children,
which are characterized by underdevelopment of cognitive activity due to
the weakness of abstraction and generalization processes. This form is not
accompanied by gross lesions within a given analyzer and primary lesion of
emotional and volitional. Children in this group are usually calm,
urovnoveshanny, disciplined and hardworking. When performing tasks
available to them sufficiently attentive and organized. Their speech and
motor skills are usually not grossly violated. They are emotionally attached
to the family members, teachers and peers.
But it should be noted In a correctional school, these children successfully
master the prescribed program. Based on the positive characteristics of these
children, the teacher is directing its efforts to the development of a child's
speech, his thinking, using the correctional system of guidelines for working
with the bulk of the students correctional schools.


Group 2 - mental retardation complicated disorders of neural
processes. This group includes mental retardation mental
retardation complicated neurodynamic disorders. Intelligent
underdevelopment combined with symptoms of psychomotor
disinhibition or inhibition. In the first case, an intellectual
deficiency, performance and mental development in general
suffers from a further motor disinhibition, impulsivity,
distractibility, spectacular imbalance. In some cases, mental
deficiency is compounded by motor retardation, emotional
Complications commonly associated with birth trauma and
asphyxia, the chain of infection transmitted at an early age. The
presence of these children is reduced, it answers their rashness,
accidentally. These children are faced with great difficulties in
the process of writing and arithmetic. Education and training of
this group of students, must be organized as follows: in
excitable children develop brake reaction is inhibited include
collective action.


Group 3 - mental retardation with psihopadobnymi behaviors. This
includes children with complicated psihopadobnymi disorders.
Such children have a combination of mental underdevelopment
with symptoms of severe affective excitability, the location drives
(sexuality, voracity, the propensity to vagrancy and so on. D.). High
spirits are often replaced by tearfulness, a critical attitude toward
others is lowered. These children are uncommunicative,
nesamolyubivy their school interests expressed insufficient
performance is reduced.
In the correctional work with this group of children need
physiotherapy, speech therapy and to correct defects of perception,
mental retardation, complicated by epileptiform disorders
manifested in combination with various dementia oligophrenic
convulsive manifestations. This form occurs after birth and postnatal
infections and injuries caused by the formation of scar tissue in the


Group 4 - mental retardation, complicated in the violation of
individual analyzers system. Along with the general
underdevelopment of the brain marked expressed focal
lesions. In these cases, dementia is combined with impaired
vision, hearing, speech, and musculoskeletal system. When
mental retardation complicated with severe hypoplasia of
speech systems, speech impediments often disguise initial
underdevelopment of the psyche,
Considering the total motor failure, organized physiotherapy
sessions for the correction of speech - speech therapy classes.


Group 5 - mental retardation, complicated by severe violations of
the frontal part of the brain. These children suffer roughly
cognitive activity due to severe disturbance of focus, ie.
Psihopadobnym behavior. In some children there is lethargy,
passivity, motor retardation, automatic subjugate.


This classification allows us to understand the causes and methods to facilitate
the search correctional and educational work.
1. Uncomplicated mental retardation:
- balanced nervous processes;
- emotional and volitional relatively preserved;
- No gross violations of analyzers;
2. Oligophrenia with a predominance of excitation and inhibition: - Excitable - restless, impulsive, disinhibited, motor restless; extremely
- naughty;
- conflicted;
- pay no attention to adult remarks, operate smoothly, quickly. The workshops do
everything thoughtlessly, carelessly, often breakdowns behavior.
3. Oligophrenia analyzers with reduced features or speech disabilities:
- are hard of hearing, vision, speech, locomotor;
- life prospects are limited;
- hindered the development and reducing the possibility of social and labor


4. Oligophrenia with psychopathic behavior:
- dramatically impaired emotional and volitional;
- manifest characteristic of underdevelopment personality components;
- reduced criticality with respect to themselves and the people around them;
- prone to unjustified affect ( "runners" - running away from school for no
apparent reason).
5. Mental retardation with significant impairment of the frontal parts of the
cerebral cortex:
- personality changes with sharp motility disorders;
- sluggish, passive, helpless;
- it is meaningless, verbose, it is imitative;
- unable to mental stress, purposeful activity, activity;
- not take into account the situation, they do not like to work, try to avoid
performing simple household duties, work in workshops;
- development is carried out in a slowed, but with the promotion, by the end of
school they are able to elementary forms of labor.


It is important to know what kind of disease caused mental
retardation in the child. Knowing the diagnosis and medical
history to better understand the mental state of the child,
select the most appropriate methods of the individual
approach to training and education. because the structure of
the psyche oligophrenia complex and diverse.
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