The job
Illustration example
Competitor instruction illustrated via pictures
Competitor instruction illustrated via pictures example #2
Couple more images as a guide
Pictures of our product
Pictures of our product
Pictures of our product
Pictures of our product
Pictures of our product
Pictures of our product
Pictures of our product
Pictures of our product
Pictures of our product
Pictures of our product
Pictures of our product
Category: englishenglish

Portable toilet instruction other reference

1. The job

• On the side is a partial view of a
portable camp toilet.
• Specifically the picture is to
show the toilet seat cover which
contains the instruction of how
to use the product
• The job is to create an
instruction with visual

2. Illustration example

I do not have a professional picture yet of
my product and so I need to hire an artist
that can draw the instructions in
replacement of showing the instructions
via pictures
This picture on the side is an example of
our competitor’s instruction material
when they were just starting their
business. The point of showing this is to
give you an idea of the illustration job I
am requiring.

3. Competitor instruction illustrated via pictures

I am showing this to give you an idea of
how my competitors are presenting the
instruction with images

4. Competitor instruction illustrated via pictures example #2

I am showing this to give
you an idea of how my
competitors are presenting
the instruction with images

5. Couple more images as a guide

6. Pictures of our product

Top view
Front view

7. Pictures of our product

Side view
Other side view

8. Pictures of our product

Back view
Bottom view

9. Pictures of our product

Middle view
Middle view

10. Pictures of our product

Top view – lid open
Top view – lid and cover seat up

11. Pictures of our product

Pull handle
Push handle

12. Pictures of our product

Open seat cover
Open seat cover

13. Pictures of our product

Pull up flush
Press flush

14. Pictures of our product

Press back button to separate tanks
Pull apart to separate tanks

15. Pictures of our product

Rotating spout
Rotating spout

16. Pictures of our product

Carrying waste tank
Emptying waste tank
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