Category: englishenglish

Forget to V. Forget Ving


Forget to V – забыть что-то сделать
Forget Ving – забыть, как делал(а)
- Hey, so...is John coming to the party?
- Hmm...what? Oh gosh, I absolutely forgot to
call him. I'm so sorry!
-Katie says 'thank you' for helping her about the
house yesterday.
- For what? Ah ok, I just...I forgot helping her.


Remember to V – помнить что-то сделать
Remember Ving – помнить, как делал(а)
- Bye, mom! Have a nice trip. See you in a week!
- Bye, honey. But please, remember to water
the flowers, feed the cat, the fish and the parrot.
And tidy the house every other day.
- Oh, last summer was sooo good!
- True. I will always remember relaxing under
the sun, listening to my favorite music and
having BBQ outside.


Mean to V – намереваться, собираться
Mean Ving – подразумевать, обозначать
- Oh, what an awful bag! Look at this!
- Well, actually it's the bag I bought for my mother
- Oh really? Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. It's
just...the color is really weird.
- Mom, I love Biology and Chemistry so much! One day
I'm gonna make the best doctor ever!
- I'm happy for you, but please, remember that being a
doctor means having a lot of responsibilities.


Try to V – пытаться (с трудом)
Try Ving – попробовать сделать
- Can you turn the projector on?
- I'm trying to do it, but I can't!
- Any plans for tonight?
- Oh yeah! I'm gonna try making cookies.


Stop to V – остановиться,чтобы сделать
Stop Ving – прекратить делать
(On the phone)
- Hey, I'm on my way home!
- Oh, can you stop to buy a loaf of bread?
- На лабутенах, на лабутенах...
- Oh, please, stop singing this stupid song!


Go on to V – перейти от 1 к другому
Go on Ving – продолжать делать
- Excuse me, how much time do we have to
complete the test? Cause I'm still doing the first
- Oh, go on to do the second one cause I'm
gonna collect your papers in 7 minutes.
(With a phone in the hand)
- Hi, mom! Do you need my help? Cause I'm
actually talking to Linda right now.
- Oh, no. I'm OK. Go on talking!


Regret to V – сожалеть(в наст.вр)
Regret Ving – сожалеть(в прош.вр)
- Hello, I want to register for the flight.
- Miss Davis, we regret to inform you that your
flight has been cancelled.
- You know, I think you shouldn't be friends with
Jessica. She keeps disclosing your secrets.
- Yes, I know. I regret telling her all these things
and spending so much time with her.


Hate to V – испытывать неудовольствие
Hate Ving – ненавидеть делать
- Hello, Sally, did you wanna see me?
- Yes. You know, I hate to say this but I'm afraid
you are fired.
- So, how's your homework doing?
- Oh, don't ask. I hate doing so much homework
every day.


(used to live=lived)
I used to play the cello
I didn't use to play the cello
Did you use to play the cello?


Be used to Ving
– быть привычным к чему-то
I am used to getting up at 6am
Get used to Ving
– привыкать к чему-то
My friend is getting used to working
at the weekend
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