Stan Lee's life story

Stan Lee's life story

1. Stan Lee's life story

Made: Suhoterin Roman
Teacher: Irina Mihailovna
School 22
5 class

2. Этапы Работы

Поиск информации о Стэне и всё что с ним связано.
Этапы Работы
Создание Презинтации

3. Актуальность проекта

Я считаю что эта тема очень актуальная ведь все мы
знаем таких персонажей комиксов и не только комиксов
как Человек-паук, Халк, Тор и т.д. Но не все знают кто их
создал и я считаю если человек любит какого то
персонажа то он должен знать человека который этого
персонажа воссоздал.

4. Оглавление

1. Introduction
5. Cameo
6. Facts
7.Created characters
9. The rest of the work

5. Introduction

Today I will talk about a wonderful person who gave
childhood to many people. About Stan Lee

6. Biography

Born and raised in New York, in a family of Jewish
immigrants from Romania - Celia (nee Solomon, 18931947) and Jack (Jacob Aron) Lieber (1885-1968) [14]
[15] [16], on the corner of 98- St and West End Avenue
Manhattan [14]. Stan's father was trained as a cutter, but
worked little, especially after the great depression, so
the family moved to Fort Washington Avenue [17]. When
Lee was almost 9 years old, his only brother, Larry, was
born. By the time Lee became a teenager, the family
began living in a one-room apartment at 1720
University Avenue in the Bronx. Lee and his brother
lived in the same room, and their parents slept side by
side on a folding sofa.

7. Becoming

Stan Lee was helped to become so famous by many
people, such as: Robbie Solomon (Stan's uncle) [20],
Timely Comics editor Joe Simon, and Martin Goodman,
the comic publisher. In addition, Goodman's wife was
Gene - cousin Stan [21].

8. Activity

Stan Lee Renamed Company Name Timely Comics to
Marval. In collaboration with several artists (the most
famous are Jack Curby and Steve Ditko), he created
many famous comic characters such as Spiderman, Iron
Man, Hulk, Fantastic Four and X-Men. Together with John
Buskam, he is the author of How to Draw Comics. The
Marvel Way. The last years of his life, Lee suffered from
pneumonia and had vision problems. In early 2016, the
writer admitted that he had lost the ability to read and
write due to a significantly deteriorated vision [22]. Stan
Lee died on November 12, 2018 at the Cedars-Sinai
Medical Center, where he was taken from his home by

9. Cameo

Stan Lee played episodic roles in many films based on
the Marvel Comics comic book. In particular: "X-Men",
"X-Men: The Last Battle", "Spider-Man", "Spider-Man 2",
"Spider-Man 3: The Enemy in Reflection", "Iron Man",
"Daredevil", " The Hulk, The Incredible Hulk, Thor:
Ragnarok, The Fantastic Four, and many others. In the
movie “The Fantastic Four 2: The Invasion of the Silver
Surfer” he wants to go to the wedding of Reed Richards
and Susan Storm, but he is not allowed in because he is
not in the guest list. The scene lasts a few seconds, and
Lee twice calls his name, after which he is expelled.
Stan Lee first played himself in the film Kevin Smith
“Lobotryasy”: Stan meets one of the main characters
named Brody (actor Jason Lee) and tells him the story of
his failed love, instructing the hero to reconcile with his
own love (actress Shannen Doherty) . And this is not a
complete list.

10. Facts

He loved films with Bruce Lee [26].
Stan Lee's favorite writers are Stephen King, HG Wells,
Mark Twain, Arthur Conan Doyle, William Shakespeare,
Charles Dickens, and Harlan Ellison [27].
Stan Lee was left-handed.
There is a version that performing a cameo in the films of
the Marvel universe, Stan Lee plays a character called the
Most High (One-Above-All), who is the god of the Marvel
universe and its creator.

11. Created characters

spider man
Fantastic Four
iron Man
Spider woman
and many others

12. Awards

In 1995, he entered the hall of fame of Jack Kirby.
In 2002, he received the Saturn Award in the Career
Achievement Award category.
In 2008 he was awarded the National Medal of the
United States in the field of arts.

13. The rest of the work

In addition to acting, Stan Lee also works in other areas
The rest of the
of cinema. He acted as a producer in such films as:
“Captain America”, “Nick Fury: Agent Sh.I.T.a”,
“Blade”, “X-Men”, “Blade 2”, “Spider-Man”,
"Daredevil", "X-Men 2", "The Hulk", "The Punisher",
"Spider-Man 2", "Blade 3: The Trinity", "Electra",
"Leshy", "The Fantastic Four", "X-Men: The Last Battle,
Ghost Rider, Spiderman 3: The Enemy in Reflection,
Fantastic Four: Silver Surfer Invasion, Iron Man, The
Incredible Hulk, The Punisher: Territory of War and Iron
Man 2 . In addition to the work of producer Stan Lee was
even the editor of the video "Spider-Man: The Ultimate
Villian Showdown". In 2016, he filmed his own series "Lucky", the main role of Harry Clayton in it played
James Nesbitt

14. Conclusion

Stan Lee was a great man who gave many childhood.
And let's remember his memory.

15. End

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