Interview tips

Interview tips

1. Interview tips

Kazakova Karina

2. Don't talk too much

• Telling the interviewer more than he
needs to know could be a fatal
mistake. When you have not prepared
ahead of time, you may ramble when
answering interview questions,
sometimes talking yourself right out
of the job. Prepare for the
interview by reading through the job
posting, matching your skills with the
position's requirements and relating
only that information

3. Attire Yourself Professionally

• For women: Choose a solid-color
pant suit with conservativelycolored shoes and shirt or blouse
to match. Avoid wearing heels
and too much makeup, jewelry,
and perfume.
• For men: A suit of a solid color is
also recommended, especially in
the most formal interviews.
However, if you feel the company
is not so strict, you could pair a
blazer with some slacks for a
semi-casual look.

4. Use appropriate language

• It's a given that you should use
professional language during the
interview. Be aware of any
inappropriate slang words or
references to age, race, religion,
politics, or sexual orientation—
these topics could send you out
the door very quickly.

5. Speak Clearly

• Your voice is going to be weighed
much more heavily, since your
appearance and other aspects don’t
have to be. Have a glass of water
handy to keep your throat from
getting dry. You should be sure that
your answers are clearly understood.

6. Bring Your Notes & Resume Copies

Bring Your Notes &
Resume Copies
• One of the great things about
interviews is that they can be
treated like an open-book test.
Not only will bringing notes help
you to remember some of your
answers and questions to ask
them, but you’ll look more
prepared and professional when
you whip out a notebook from
your briefcase before answering
that tough question. You could
bring 3-5 copies of your resume to
have on hand.

7. Be friendly and open

• One of the best ways to relax is to
assume the interviewer is on your
side. Good interviewers are not
interested in tripping you up. In fact,
most of them are on your side, or are
at the very least they will be
approaching the interview in a
professional manner. It may even
help to you to relax if you think of the
interviewer as someone who wants
you to do your best

8. 10 most common interview questions

• Can you tell me a little about yourself?
• Where do you see yourself in five years?
• What are your biggest strengths?
• What do you know about the company?
• Why do you want this job?
• What are your strengths?
• What are your weaknesses?
• What's your dream job?
• What can you do for us that other candidates can't?
• What do you consider to be your biggest professional achievement?
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