People who drink and drive should lose their licence for life
Category: life safetylife safety

People who drink and drive should lose their licence for life

1. People who drink and drive should lose their licence for life


Drunk driving is
dangerous not only
for pedestrians.
Also for the driver.


4. Statistics

According to the report, about 30 thousand
people die on European roads every year. About
a quarter of all road traffic deaths are somehow
caused by alcohol. The authors of the report
called drunk driving the main threat to road
According to one study that identified the main
causes of accidents on EU roads, drunk drivers
are to blame for 24.4% of accidents with injuries
and 31.7% of fatal accidents.


Dependence is formed gradually. At first, a
person simply enjoys drinking alcohol, then a
stable association is formed in the brain: alcohol
= pleasure. Constantly receiving a large amount
of alcohol, the body rebuilds its metabolism.
That is, alcohol gets the highest priority. This
restructuring is irreversible. As soon as the
"supply" of alcohol is stopped, the metabolism
gradually returns to normal rails. But very
slowly and very painfully - with pronounced
mental and physical suffering, which few people
are able to endure. It is much easier to give the
body another dose of "fuel".
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