1 p 76

Rally Robin

1. 1 p 76

Rally Robin – 2 min
What can you do or see when
visiting places like these?
Shoulder partners: A start

2. 1 p 76

If I visited a place abroad, I could visit
museums to learn about the history of the
country and I could go shopping for

3. 2 p 76

Single Round Robin – 2 min
Partner 1 starts

4. 2 p 76

S1: I would choose to visit Tokyo in Japan
because I think it must be an amazing place. I
love the excitement of city life and Tokyo is a
very busy city.
S2: I would prefer to visit York in England as I
am interested in learning about the history and
culture of England.
S3: I have always wanted to go to St.
Petersburg as there are so many beautiful old
buildings there and also a lot of art galleries.

5. 3 p 76

Timed-Pair-Share – 30 sec
Face partners
B start

6. 4 a p 76

Reading – 5 min
Match the headings and the texts

7. 4 a p 76

4 a p 76

8. 4 b p 76

Match the texts and the pictures
Rally Robin – 1 min
Face partners
A start

9. 4 b p 76

4 b p 76

10. 5 p 76

Simultaneous Round Table – 5 min

11. 5 p 76

tranquil: calm and peaceful
casts a spell: has a magical effect
efficient: productive
peak hours: time of highest demand
diversity: variety
logged: cut down for timber
notable: important, interesting
testament: witness, evidence
running commentary: continuous description
abundant: in large quantity
soars: rises high
roam: wander

12. 6 p 76

Rally Table – 3 min
shoulder partners
B start

13. 6 p 76

1 Utter bliss
2 Drew inspiration
3 Travel conditions
4 Sea level
5 Magnificent site
6 Walking tour
7 Running commentary
8 Mountain ranges
9 Official residence
10 Vast complex

14. 7 p 76

Listening – 7 min
Inside-Outside Circle

15. 8 p 77

Rally Robin – 3 min
Discussing and giving reasons
Face partners
A start

16. 8 p 77

SA: Well, in the first place, it’s important to
explain why the building or the place is
interesting, isn’t it?
SB: Of course, so you would have to say how
old it is and also include some of the history of
the place.
SA: Yes, I agree. In my opinion, you should also
explain the purpose of the building or place,
who built it and why.
SB: People will need to know how to get there
as well, and how much it will cost them to visit.

17. 8 p 77

SA: Yes, we should include that information. I
don’t think that we need to say whether we
like it or not, but we should mention how
popular it is.
SB: Definitely, people like to go to well-known
SA: And if it is a place that is being
threatened by something, like development, or
it needs repairing, we should mention that
because then maybe the visitors will donate
some money to help.
SB: Yes, that’s a good idea.

18. 9 p 77

Think-Write -3 min
Timed-Pair-Share – 30 sec
shoulder partners
B start

19. 9 p 77

Moscow, the capital city of Russia, is the
largest city in Europe. There are many famous
historical buildings there as well as some
fantastic, newer architecture.
Visitors should definitely visit the Kremlin,
Red Square and Alexander Gardens. One of
the best art galleries is The Pushkin Museum
of Fine Art.

20. Home work

WB 1 p 38
15 sentences story

21. Reflection

What places would you go to for a
New Year? Why? – 2 min
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