My home
A kitchen
A living room
A bedroom
A bathroom
Where can we put such furniture?
Is this furniture comfortable?
Is the room cozy?
Do we need such furniture and devices?
Do you have such furniture and devices at home?
Презентация создана по материалам Интернет
Category: englishenglish

My home. Presentation of vocabulary

1. My home

Presentation of vocabulary

2. A kitchen

3. A living room

4. A bedroom

Is the bed comfortable?

5. A bathroom

6. Where can we put such furniture?

A sofa-диван
An arm-chair-кресло

7. Is this furniture comfortable?

A table-стол
a chair-стул

8. Is the room cozy?

Curtains on the
window- шторы на
A picture on the
wall-картина на

9. Do we need such furniture and devices?

A wardrobe-шкаф
для одежды
A refrigeratorхолодильник
A cupboard-буфет
A stove-плита

10. Do you have such furniture and devices at home?

A wall-unit-стенной
A TV-set-телевизор
a lamp-светильник

11. Презентация создана по материалам Интернет
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