My master's dissertation
Media is not only information technologies, media is a message, content, meaning content of all living and non-living things.
Practical relevance
The final product of the study will be a Handbook with developed educational modules for teachers and educators.
Thank you for your attention!
Category: englishenglish

My master's dissertation

1. My master's dissertation

Lyubov Shkuratova

2. Tema

Features of psychological and pedagogical
rehabilitation of children in difficult life situation with
the help of media education

3. Media is not only information technologies, media is a message, content, meaning content of all living and non-living things.

Media is not only information technologies, media is a
message, content, meaning content of all living and nonliving things. For example, art objects, household items,
historical artifacts and people.

4. Practical relevance

My dissertation is a study of
the process of rehabilitation
of difficult teenagers with
the help of media. I believe
that with the help of game
cases it is possible to
socialize deviant children.
For example, to describe
their problem or attitude to
the world, or the reasons for
this attitude in infographics.

5. The final product of the study will be a Handbook with developed educational modules for teachers and educators.

I hope that the result of my work will be useful to society.

6. Thank you for your attention!

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