The love

The love

1. The love


2. Oh my God , 6:45 ! It looks like I was sleeping for too long... a bit . I knew that I shouldn`t read that dumb manga for

fools...Actually , I liked it , but...There was too much love...which I
need from my Senpai ! Oh , he is so cute . I don`t want anybody
speak to him , look at him , love him… Yesterday a mysterious
person with nickname Info-chan talked to me…She said that one
girl love my Senpai and tomorrow she will make him a purpose
under the Sakura tree…The legend says that anybody will accept
purpose if people are under that tree…And I`m going to make that
girl SUFFER…*laughing crazy*Okay , I need to change my
panties…Let`s look…Oh , they are so cute and pink , and with
strawberries , they are my favourite now . Okay , 7 : 00 , it looks like I
need to run…By the way , my name is Ayato.

3. Few…*breathing hardly*…7:30 . Yay , I`m already here! Let`s go to Kokona , she is looking strange last time…And Info-chan said

that this
girl also has crush . AND IT`S MY SENPAI.
What should I say next?…I think I need to spy at her …
-Will you be standing right here for an hour?
-Oh , I just wanted to tell , that you look nice today.
Of course…
-Really , *embarrainging*, thanks.
-Is your phone ringing just now ?

4. Kokona: -Oh yes , I didn`t hear.I will be here in a minute. I don`t think you didn`t hear just… -Okay! Yes ! The time had

come…It looks like she is going to the entrance
where no one is… hm …very strange . Then I will just come from the
other side…let`s go ! I didn`t think she would hide something from her
best friend - Hinata…They know each other from the childhood , as
Info-chan said…Then it must be awful…
-No ! I don`t want to do it again ! That was the first and the last time!

5. Aw… Kokona: -H-how much did you say? What?! Kokona: -Okay , if one more time…THE LAST…At Shinuta town…um…tonight… Aww…That girl

will have many problems…I will post about her “date”
now on public forum of our school and she would never have my
-Oh my God ! I need to hurry up . The lesson will start right now !
What?! 7:56?! How could time pass so fast ?
Okay , I came in time…I think I should learn biology first , it will help
me to kill my victims and find weak points on the human body…

6. After this lesson , I learned what does tranquilizer do…I think , the Kokona will never bring her reputation back…And Senpai

will never
love her after my plan will do it`s work…Kokona`s friend –
Hinata…may love my Senpai too…Then , I will do something that will
make her not to be . At first , I will make her to believe me…And than
I will betray her . And she will never breath the air which my Senpai
breaths . I should help her with something and she will like me . So , I
need to find her . Oh , there she is . In the cooking club room with
-Hi ! You look lovely today , may I help you with preparing dishes?
Hinata :
-Yeah , hi , actually , I don`t need any help with this , but *whispering*
I need to…*embarraining*…

7. -…what?… Hinata : -Aw , it`s so embarrassing…I… C`MON! Hinata : -I have lost my bra… …aw…and…does she want me to find it

roaming through ALL school
territory ? It`s a first half of the question…the next is HOW ? Just HOW
did she lose it ?
-Don`t even ask me how did I do it ! Just help me to find it...
Not problem…
-Okay , so , where can it be ?
-Okay , I`ll try to find it…
Of course , I will find it ! SENPAI IS MINE !

8. Hah , she has just thanked me for her death…I like her . But , I want to see her eyes when she knows who is her best friend . I

have 45 minutes more for the search before the next lesson
starts…So , it looks like I need to start from the schoolyard…After 30
minutes of the real hell I have found it near the school fence…I had a
thought : “HOW THE HELL DID YOU LOSE IT ?!” and then “WHY THE HELL
DID YOU LOSE IT?!”. Now I` M going to the cooking club to give her
HER THE HELL BRA…Keep calm , Ayato , now you won`t ever need to
search her bra…
-I found it , Hinata.
-Oh , thanks you a lot , now I owe you one.

9. Oh , really ? Then it will be easier than I thought…maybe… -Not at all . Bye! As our teacher is so strict and as I have only 3

minutes , I decided to
run…On the way , in the corridor , I saw the nurses room…there must
be a tranquilizer and a surge...Good. Now , I want to learn
language…I will help me to write letters to my victims , and also
suicide letter , that will sweep my footprints . The lesson ended and
now most of the students are going home…And its great…As Hinata
“owes me one” she won`t disagree if I ask her to follow me…It`s time
to make a plan . First , I will go to the nurses room to take surge and
tranquilizer . Second , I will ask her to follow me . I will lead her to the
room with small chest on the first floor , which I have seen before .
Then I will creep to her behind and attack her with the tranquilizer .

10. She will be In dream , until I come to school under the cover of night . When I return to my home , I will put Hinata into the

chair with rope .
I did it guys , I was torturing her for 12 hours , so her sanity had fallen to
0 % . Now , I`ll bring her to school . We are here , near the fence gates
of the school . The only thing , which is left is Ocama , that girl , who
will make a purpose to my Senpai tonight . I have bought katana for
Hinata .
-Hinata , *giving katana* , destroy her ! *pointing on Ocama*
Hinata :
-I`ll do it , because I owe you one .
Ocama :
-No , please ! No ! Don`t come any closer to me ! Nooooo !

11. Oh , her haircut on her cuted off head is really beautiful , she was preparing to this day…But , she is too dumb for Senpai to

be his .
Directress :
-What happened ? Oh my God , oh my God ! *in icteric* It couldn`t
happen !
Hah , but it has already happened .
Crowd :
-Hinata ! Hinata is MONSTER ! Hinata , YOU ARE MONSTER !
Oh , it was dumb, very dumb…What I have just saw in her eyes ? The
rage ? I think it`s time to go back…Oh…As I thought , she pushed
katana in the head of the boy , screaming nearby. Why are they
shouting ? Just some blood…and corpses…Ah , she is just killing more
and more people … STOP ! WHERE IS MY SENPAI ?! Ah , he has
already gone home . I love him . So much . What ? Police ? I don`t
think they will help to stop Hinata . Ahahah , what can I see ? Medics
? How can they help corpses ?

12. Oh , it seems , I forgot about my fingerprints on katana … Bad news for me … Okay . Let`s do it ! - Hinata , give me katana ...

Directress :
Oh my God , why did she say that ? Hinata is already going to her…
-Stop ! I`m a directress and you have no permission to touch me !
Hinata continues to go to her , smiling .
Directress :
-I said STOP ! Stoop ! Somebody , police ! HELP ME !
It was too late…

13. - Hinata , give me katana , please . I owe you . I think she won`t kill me… Hinata : -Okay , I owe you too . - Hinata , behind

! Let`s run !
The policeman was running to her … But she smiled to me and went
to the cope with straight hands…She has done her work , my work is
disposing from the weapon – katana . I put it into the huge oven and
activated it .
This day will always be remembered for this school , for me , for this
town…The school is closed…And I`m already dead…Why ? Because
my Senpai loved Ocama , and he ended his life with suicide , the
same I did . I can`t imagine my life without him…

14. The love is bad feeling...which causes to many deaths…

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