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1. From Rock, Paper, Scissors to Street Fighter II: Proof by Construction
From Rock, Paper,Scissors to Street
Yotam I. Gingold
Proof by Construction
2. Rock, Paper, Scissors
3. Matching Pennies
4. Game Theory
Optimal strategy is choosingrandomly. On average,
outcome is a draw.
5. The class of RPS-style games
A competitive series ofdecisions with no long-term
advantage accumulation and
access at every decision to a
set of moves that include
trumps of opponents’ moves
6. Choices Graph
7. Choices Graph
8. Sinks have no trump
9. Poker
Credit: Kevin Labianco10. Long-term strategy games
Advantage accumulationCredit: Simon Pais
11. Variations
12. Street Fighter II
13. The Dojo / Kung Fu movies
Credit: myo_sim14. Button mashing
Randomly choosing throwsCredit: Advanced Media, Inc.
15. Street Fighter II variants
16. Future Work
Choice graph for Street FighterII
Constructive analysis on other
game types
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20. Space Invaders and Doom
Space InvadersAsteroids
Robotron 2084
Crystal Quest
21. Acknowledgements
Casey Muller, NYU colleagues,the anonymous reviewers,
and Adobe
Contact: [email protected]
22. fin