Daily routine. Shops and shopping.

Daily routine. Shops and shopping

1. Daily routine. Shops and shopping.


3. Learning Objectives

8.S3 give an opinion at discourse level on a
range of general and curricular topics
8.S5 interact with peers to negotiate, agree
and organise priorities and plans for
completing classroom tasks
8.R2 understand specific information and
detail in texts on a growing range of
familiar general and curricular topics,
including some extended texts

4. Discussion: Daily Routine

1. Education is important in all countries, but they say
in Japan it is even more important. Why?
2. Going to extra classes in the afternoon is not
compulsory for Korean students, but many of them
attend private schools and academies. Why?
3. Japanese students never ask questions in class. Why?
What do they do at the lesson?
4. What does Japanese and Korean teaching have in
5. Is discipline important at school? Why? Why not?


Tell if you agree or disagree:
Shopping can be a good therapy.


• Who likes shopping more: men or
• What do usually women buy?
• What do usually men buy?


8. Going shopping: new words

1. Hard (too much) – hardly (little effort)
2. Adore – love very much
3. Purchase – buy
4. Mass consumption products
5. Brand garments – modern clothes
6. Season discounts
7. Recover from everyday stress
8. Healing effect
9. Satisfaction
10. Cure emotional exhaustion

9. Answers 5 - Achieve


10. Homes: Questions for discussion:

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living
in a house or a flat?
2. What do you think about people keeping big dogs in
3. Which would you rather spend your money on - a
wonderful house or wonderful holidays?
4. What is your relationship with your neighbours? What
do you want your neighbours to be like?
5. Burglary is always a worry for home owners. What
kinds of things can be done to make houses more
6. Do you normally try to make improvements to your
home with your own hands or do you usually pay
professionals? What are the advantages and
disadvantages in each case?


12. Speaking Assessment 1:

• Task: Discuss any of the two
statements with your partner saying
whether you agree or disagree with
them. Provide explanation to your
answer. You should speak 4-5 minutes.

13. Questions for discussion:

• Family is the most important thing in the world.
• Discuss a story (film, TV programme or cartoon)
that involves dogs or other animals
• It is better to live in a house rather than in a flat
• Students’ daily routine is different in Japan, South
Korea and Kazakhstan.
• Shopping can be a good therapy
• My house is my castle
• Some people like to live in unusual houses ( caravan,
lighthouse, tent), others prefer typical dwelling.
• Pets can help people.

14. Speaking criteria:

1.Accurate use of grammar structures
Accurate use of a wide range of the topic-related
vocabulary for the task;
Speaks fluently, without any pauses repetitions,
2.Simple and some complex grammar structures with
minor errors;
Wide range of the topic-related vocabulary
Speaks mostly fluently, few pauses
Clear understanding of the task.
3. Simple grammar structures with minor errors
Basic vocabulary which used repetitively
Some pauses and repetitions
4. Very simplistic grammar structures
A very limited range of words and expressions;
Long pauses; gives only simple responses
Little understanding of the topic. Undeveloped ideas
5.Limited grammar structures
Only a few isolated words
Very little communication
No understanding of the topic.

15. What adjectives describe you?

- hardworking
- untidy
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