
New York


New York
Kadyrbek Symbat


The convenient New York Bay was first
discovered by Europeans in 1524,
when D. de Verrazano arrived here
with his expedition. At that time these
lands were inhabited by the Indian
tribes of the Delaware. The next time
this place was visited by Henry
Hudson as part of the Dutch EastIndian campaign and as a result, in
1626 it was decided to establish a
Dutch settlement here, calling it New
In 1792, one of the most important
events took place, which contributed
to the future approval of the city as
the financial center of the world - the
opening of the New York Stock
Exchange. Now it is the largest in
terms of capitalization and plays a
major role in the financial life not only
of the United States, but of the entire


The USA nation and territory
New York is the largest city in the USA, as well as one of the largest in the
world - its population is 8.3 million people, and the occupied area is 1214
km2. It is located in the southeastern part of the state of the same name
(therefore, the city itself is often called New York City to avoid confusion) on
the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. The famous Hudson River flows through the
city, the city also divides the East River, most of New York occupies the
western tip of Long Island. The city was founded in the 17th century by the
Dutch and until 1664 was called New Amsterdam.


USA climate
The climate of New York is usually humid continental, while the extreme
southeastern part of the state lies in the warm humid subtropical climate zone.
Winter temperatures are below average, while New York City is on the Atlantic
coastline, including New York City.




1.Central Park - this is a large green array (4000 to 800 meters), and is
surrounded by the Manhattan neboskrebov. There are many artistic gossip,
many of which are alleys, children 's pockets and twins.
2.The American Museum of Natural History is one of the
most famous and popular museum complexes in New York
and the USA, but not all of the land measure.
3.The Cathedral of St. Patrick. The Interesting Catholic Cathedral in
America. Adds the originality of the property - it is a great many shops
and shops, which allows you to open the rest of the store.
4.The Empire State Building is one of the world's most common
symbols in New York, but not in the United States. It is 443 meters
high in Manhattan.

7. kk

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