Comparison Write 10 sentences comparing two places in the USA using all ways of comparison studied above:
Comparison Translate 10 sentences comparing two places in the USA using all ways of comparison studied above:
Comparison Write 10 sentences comparing two places in the USA using all ways of comparison studied above:
Comparison Write 10 sentences comparing two places in the USA using all ways of comparison studied above:
Comparison Write 10 sentences comparing two places in the USA using all ways of comparison studied above:
Comparison Write 10 sentences comparing two places in the USA using all ways of comparison studied above:
Comparison Write 10 sentences comparing two places in the USA using all ways of comparison studied above:
Comparison Write 10 sentences comparing two places in the USA using all ways of comparison studied above:
Category: englishenglish

Comparison. Two places in the USA

1. Comparison

2. Comparison Write 10 sentences comparing two places in the USA using all ways of comparison studied above:

Makaha Beach, State Hawaaii
Mountains, State Colorado

3. Comparison Translate 10 sentences comparing two places in the USA using all ways of comparison studied above:

1. И Колорадо, и Гавайи являются штатами США. –
Both Colorado and Hawaii are the States of the USA.
2. Территория штата Гавайи не такая большая как территория штата Колорадо. –
The territory of Hawaii is not as big as the territory of Colorado.

4. Comparison Write 10 sentences comparing two places in the USA using all ways of comparison studied above:

Если штат Колорадо находится на континенте, то штат Гавайи находится на островах.

Whether Colorado is on the continent, Hawaii is on the islands.
По моему мнению интереснее отдыхать на Гавайских островах. –
To my mind it is more interesting to rest on the Hawaii islands.

5. Comparison Write 10 sentences comparing two places in the USA using all ways of comparison studied above:

5. На Гавайских островах нет таких холодных дней как в горах
Колорадо. –
There are not as cold days on Hawaii islands as in Colorado mountains.
6. Для меня чем теплее, тем лучше. Но я не люблю когда слишком
жарко. –
As for me the warmer, the better. But I don’t like when it is too hot.

6. Comparison Write 10 sentences comparing two places in the USA using all ways of comparison studied above:

7. Пейзаж в Колорадо более величественный: высокие
горы, деревья как в сказке и сверкающая белизна
снега. –
The landscape in Colorado is more glorious: the high
mountains, the trees like in the fairy tale and the sparkling
whiteness of snow.

7. Comparison Write 10 sentences comparing two places in the USA using all ways of comparison studied above:

8. Если вы хотите подняться в горы то вам придётся
одеться по зимнему, потому что чем выше в горы, тем
холоднее. –
If you would like to climb the mountains you have to put on
winter clothes because the higher to the mountains the

8. Comparison Write 10 sentences comparing two places in the USA using all ways of comparison studied above:

9. И в Колорадо, и на Гавайях много солнечных дней в
году. –
Both in Colorado and in Hawaii there are many sunny days
during a year.

9. Comparison Write 10 sentences comparing two places in the USA using all ways of comparison studied above:

10. Если в Колорадо самый предпочтительный вид
спорта – лыжи, то на Гавайских островах самый
популярный спорт – серфинг. –
While in Colorado the most preferable sport is skiing, in
Hawaii the most popular sport is surfing.
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