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Why laser technology is the future in the world
1. Why laser technology is the future in the world?
Artem MuratovSaint-Petersburg, 2017
2. Outline
Today, many of the things that we use every day are
made with a laser
Different devices work with a laser
3. Introduction
Fields of application of lasers:
• Communications
• Material processing
• Medicine
• Lithography
• Military
• Instrumentation & sensors
• Optical storage
• Printing
4. Why the laser is so functional?
4Why the laser is so functional?
Point effect on the material
No mechanical impact
High processing accuracy and speed
Wide range of processed materials
5. Some example. Laser restoration of objects
5Some example. Laser restoration of objects
laser cleaning process
6. The prospect of using lasers
6The prospect of using lasers
• Exploration and extraction of minerals on space bodies;
• Removal of space debris from Earth or from space;
• transmission of energy over long distances (from outer
• separation of isotopes;
• X-ray lasers;
Laser weapons:
• Space-anti-missile, blinding.
7. Lasers are
7Lasers are
• Wide range of applications
• High rates of technology development
• Very high power in impulse
8. Thank you for attention
Saint-Petersburg, 2017