The most effective methods how to bring in the big bucks !!!
1. Put money in the stock market
2. Invest in real estate
3. Don't spend money on stupid stuff
1. Choose the right profession
2.Choose the right location
3.Get an entry-level job and work your way up
1. Pay yourself first 
2. Make a budget (and stick to it)
3. Break up with your credit card
Refinance your home mortgage
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Category: englishenglish

The most effective methods how to bring in the big bucks

1. The most effective methods how to bring in the big bucks !!!


Method 1

3. 1. Put money in the stock market

Invest money in stocks, bonds, or other vehicles of
investment that will give you an annual return. In
such a way you will definitely earn on interest.

4. 2. Invest in real estate

Relatively stable assets like rental properties, or potential development land in
a steadily growing area is a good way to build wealth.
Many people, however, have done quite well with real estate and have brought
in the big bucks. Such investments are likely to appreciate in value over time.

5. 3. Don't spend money on stupid stuff

It's hard and painful when the things you spend your personal budget on are financial black
holes. Reevaluate the things you spend money on. Try to figure out whether they are truly
"worth it." Here are some things you probably don't want to spend that much money on if you
plan on becoming rich:
Casinos and lottery tickets. The lucky few make money. The rest of us lose it.
Vices such as cigarettes.
Tanning booths and plastic surgery.
First-class plane tickets.


Method 2
through a career

7. 1. Choose the right profession

Look at salary surveys which indicate average annual incomes for specific
professions. Your odds of getting rich are diminished if you pursue a career in
teaching as opposed to a career in finance.

8. 2.Choose the right location

Go where the good jobs are. If you
want to pursue finance, for
example, there are far greater
opportunities in big cities than in
rural, low-populated areas. If you
want to make it big in the
entertainment industry, go to Kyiv
or Dnipro.

9. 3.Get an entry-level job and work your way up

Play the numbers game. Apply to many places and subject yourself
to lots of interviews. When you get your job, stick with it and get the
experience you need to advance.


Method 3
Reducing living


Method 4
Saving money

12. 1. Pay yourself first 

1. Pay yourself first
This means before you go and blow your money on a new pair of shoes
or a golf club you don't need, put money aside in an account that you
don't touch. Do this every time you get paid and watch your account

13. 2. Make a budget (and stick to it)

Create a monthly budget that covers all of your basic expenses and
leaves a little bit of "fun" money aside. Sticking by your budget and
saving at least some money each month is a straightforward path to

14. 3. Break up with your credit card

Did you know that people who use credit cards for purchases end up
spending more money than people who use cash?


Method 5
Going mortgage

16. Refinance your home mortgage

Refinance to a lower
rate or to a 15-year loan
instead of a 30-year
loan. This way you only
pay a few extra hundred
dollars per month but
you will save yourself
much more than that in
total interest.



Method 6
Following feng shui
tips to attract money


20. Thank you for your attention !!!

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