The theme of the lesson: “Entertainment and Media. Focusing on TV programs and films”
Assessment criteria:
List of resources: https://youtube/fyCmFYQJ_7k
Category: englishenglish

Entertainment and Media. Focusing on TV programs and films

1. The theme of the lesson: “Entertainment and Media. Focusing on TV programs and films”

Learning objectives:
• respect differing points of view;
• understand with little support most specific
information in extended talk on a limited range
of general and curricular topics;
• keep interaction with peers to negotiate, agree
and organize priorities and plans for completing
classroom tasks.


Lesson objectives:
• listen to the speakers talking about their
favourite films;
• speak about your favourite film using the
vocabulary on the topic.


Task 1. Checking your understanding: Matching
• 1. d 2. c 3. e 4. a 5. b
Task 2. Checking your understanding: Gap filling
1. C 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. E 6. E 7. A 8. E 9. B


My favourite film.
Make a presentation or a poster about your favourite
film. Answer the following questions:
• Have you seen good films recently? I have seen …
• What is the genre of this film?
• Who are the leading actors (actresses) in this film?
• What is it about? (3 sentences)
• What did you like best in the film?
• Whom do you recommend to watch this film?
(teenagers, old people, adults, children)

5. Assessment criteria:

• 8 sentences;
• 3-4 slides (in presentation);
• specifically related vocabulary (no more than
4-5 words);
• fluency of speech;
• grammar accuracy (verb tenses, present perfect
• accurate pronunciation;
• equal participation in the group.


Home task: Write about your favourite film.
Have you seen good films recently? I have seen …
What is the genre of this film?
Who are the leading actors (actresses) in this film?
What is it about? (3 sentences)
What did you like best in the film?
Whom do you recommend to watch this film? (teenagers, old
people, adults, children)
Assessment criteria:
vocabulary (no more than 4-5 words);
grammar accuracy (verb tenses, present perfect tense);
linking words;
cohesion and coherence in the essay.

7. List of resources: https://youtube/fyCmFYQJ_7k

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