Airport departures

Airport departures

1. Airport departures

Liberman Eva 10 A

2. Entrance control

• Entrance control-the first thing that awaits you at the airport, even if you are
not going to fly and came to spend friends. It's simple: put the bags on the tape
x-ray scanner and pass through the metal detector. This control is the mildest,
and some airports — for example, in Edinburgh — do not have it at all.

3. Departures

(Departures) - this is a large electronic Board, which lists all the
next departing flights.You'll see it as soon as you get to the
airport. Come closer and look for your flight number (Flight). It
is written in the ticket and looks like this: SU 272.

4. Check-in

• Check-in consists of two parts:
• 1) the airline checks your documents, makes sure that you have a ticket, and gives
you a boarding pass, which says a specific place on Board the aircraft;
• 2) you drop off your baggage and get a baggage tag in return. The Luggage will be
flown by the same plane as you.
• There are three ways to check in: at the airport at the check-in Desk, online in
advance, or at the airport at the self-service check-in kiosk.

5. Passport control

• Passport control is the place where you cross the border of the country. Part
of the racks on the passport control-only for residents of the country, they are
written: "for Russian citizens" (For Russian citizens). The rest are open to all
(all passports, All passports, All nationalities).
• Passport control itself takes a couple of minutes. Come to the counter one by
one, and the children — together with the parent, and stretch the border
guard passport and boarding pass. Most likely, he will immediately give
everything to you with the seal in the passport about leaving the country.
Check that the print is visible and the date is read.

6. Security

• (Security check) - this control as at the entrance to the airport, only after
registration and stricter.You will pass through the frame of the metal detector,
and hand Luggage will pass through the x-ray scanner. Small things from his
pockets to put next to the frame, or skip through the scanner. On domestic
flights, you may still be asked to show documents.

7. Boarding pass

• The boarding pass is a document that you will be given at the check-in. With it
you will be allowed to the departure zone, and from there — in the plane. It's
also something like a map, which you will understand where your boarding
gate, when to approach it and where to get on the plane. Keep your boarding
pass in your hands or pocket with your passport.
1-flight number (Flight);
2-seat (Seat) - the number of your seat on the plane;
3- Boarding time - when you should be at your gate. Or the
end of the landing (Gate closes — - come for 20-30 minutes;
4 - Gate — using it you will be on Board the aircraft.
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