Age discrimination

Age discrimination

1. Age discrimination

Presentation prepared by
Diana Tibilova


What is age discrimination?
Direct discrimination
Indirect discrimination

3. What is age discrimination?

• This is when you are treated differently because
of your age in one of the situations that are
covered by the Equality Act.

4. Direct discrimination

• This happens when someone treats you worse than
another person in a similar situation because of
your age.
• Direct age discrimination is permitted provided
that the organization or employer can show that
there is a good reason for the discrimination. This
is known as objective justification.

5. Indirect discrimination

• Indirect discrimination happens when an organization
has a particular policy or way of working that applies
to everyone but which puts people of your age group at
a disadvantage.
• Like direct age discrimination, indirect age
discrimination can be permitted if the organization or
employer is able to show that there is a good reason
for the policy. This is known as objective justification.

6. Harassment

• When unwanted conduct related to age has the
purpose or effect of violating an individual's
dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile,
degrading, humiliating or offensive environment
for that individual.

7. Victimization

• Unfair treatment of an employee who has made
or supported a complaint about age
• This is when you are treated badly because you
have made a complaint of age discrimination
under the Equality Act. It can also occur if you
are supporting someone who has made a
complaint of age discrimination.

8. Conclusion

Age discrimination can occur at all levels of society: within
government, within the private sector, and within the community.
Any person or group can experience age discrimination. Older
people are a large age cohort subjected to particularly high levels
of discrimination, much of it institutionalized. Age discrimination
toward older people is primarily influenced by the concept that an
individual’s physical and mental capacity is negatively affected
through ageing, and younger people are therefore more able.

9. References


10. Thank you for your attention

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