In English there are many various rules. It is impossible to learn all rules of English, but it is possible to try. We will be helped following a thing:
Now I to you suggest to guess some riddles.
1) Standing on the strong leg now lies in a basket.
2) What is above the forest, beautiful light, lit without fire?
3) It should be in the Garden Curly white shirt, a heart of gold.What it is?
4) Clean, but not water, White, but not snow, Sweet, but not ice-cream, What is it?
5) I am round like an apple Flat as a chip I have eyes But I can’t see one bit.
Now you need to pick up a rhyme to the following words.
Thank you very much)
Category: englishenglish

In english there are many various rules


Boys from 8”V”

2. In English there are many various rules. It is impossible to learn all rules of English, but it is possible to try. We will be helped following a thing:

3. Books/comics/news.

• All people in the world read books,comics
and news.We have to words, if we want
read English sentenses.

4. Games/Programs/Internet

• When we play games,we learn new words.
We find new friends and work on new

5. Video/Films

• When we watch video, us to become
easier to understand people. We like to
look and watch different people.

6. Travelling

• We learn the new world.We find new
friends and old friends. We receive a lot of
new information, which will help us with
the future.

7. Now I to you suggest to guess some riddles.

8. 1) Standing on the strong leg now lies in a basket.

Mushroom ( Гриб )

9. 2) What is above the forest, beautiful light, lit without fire?

The Sun (Солнце)

10. 3) It should be in the Garden Curly white shirt, a heart of gold.What it is?


11. 4) Clean, but not water, White, but not snow, Sweet, but not ice-cream, What is it?

Sugar ( Сахар)

12. 5) I am round like an apple Flat as a chip I have eyes But I can’t see one bit.

A button ( Пуговица )

13. Now you need to pick up a rhyme to the following words.

2) Bird-…
4) Bed-…
6) Black-…

14. Thank you very much)

English     Русский Rules