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Big Ben
1. Big Ben
2. Bell Big Ben
. When a tourist is going to London,he immediately is famous landmark of
England - the tower of Big Ben. Not
many people know that - it is the
biggest bell in the Palace of
Westminster. Only later the name was
transferred to the whole clock tower.
The bell Big Ben, the heaviest. It
weighs more than 13 tons. Its name he
received in honor of Benjamin Hall,
who led the cast. According to another
version of Big Ben was named after the
popular boxer Benjamin Count.
4. Big Ben History
During a fire in 1834 Westminster Palaceburned down almost completely, so the
date of construction of the modern
tower of Big Ben say 1858. It was built in
neo-Gothic style and has a height
approximately equal to the 16th floor
(96.3 meters). In the tower there are no
lifts or elevators, so it is closed for mass
visit. Sometimes this rule makes an
exception, and then the visitors
overcome the 334 steps to climb up.
Currently, the tower of Big Ben gives the
bank because of the construction of the
stations of the London Underground.
The clock on the tower of BigBen hitherto considered the big
clock with the battle in the
world. Their weight - 4 tons.
The clock mechanism is a
standard of reliability. In its
creation clockmaker Edward
John Dent has used a brand
new double three-step move,
which makes it easier to divide
the pendulum and a five-ton
clock mechanism. Watches are
so reliable that even during
World War II, when the
German bombing of two dials
and damaged the roof of the
tower, the clock has not
breached his move.