Importance of excretion (зәр шығару, выделение)
Category: biologybiology

Importance of excretion

1. Importance of excretion (зәр шығару, выделение)

• Excretion is a process of removing waste products from
• Excretion helps to keep constant
internal balance (Homeostasis)

2. Excretion in plants

•Waste in plants:
•Oxygen (O2)
•Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
•Organic salts (тұз, соль)
•Gums (шайыр, смола)
•Resin (шайыр, смола)
•Latex (өсімдік сүтшырыны, млечный сок)

3. Oxygen and carbon dioxide

4. Organic salts

5. Gums and resin

6. Latex

7. Excretion in animals

•Waste in animals:
•Carbon dioxide (CO2)
•Urea (мочевина)
•Uric acid (мочевая кислота)
•Excess (артық,лишний) salt
•Excess bile (өт,желчь)

8. Carbon dioxide (CO2)

9. Urea and uric acid

10. Water and salts

11. Bile

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