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Translation Theory
1. Translation Theory
2. Acknowledgements
• This lecture is based to a large extent on:• MUNDAY, Jeremy. 2001. Introducing
Translation Studies – Theories and Applications.
London and New York: Routledge
• VENUTI, Lawrence. (Ed.) 2000. The Translation
Studies Reader. London and New York:
3. A few general distinctions
Translating v. interpreting
Source language/text – SL / ST
Target language/text - TL / TT
Intralingual v. interlingual v. intersemiotic
• Translation as language learning
• Contrastive linguistics
• Comparative literature
7. “Translation Studies” – self-perception
• Many people today think that TranslationStudies is mainly:
– Literary theory
– Cultural studies
• And, possibly:
– Communication studies
– Stylistics & Genre analysis
8. Translation Theory - TT – perspective from Philosophy
• Linguistic philosophy - attempts to discover WHATlanguage means:
– the ideal language(s) of logic etc.
– 'ordinary language' philosophy
• Philosophy of language – attempts to find out HOW
language means:
– certain general features of language such as meaning,
reference, truth, verification, speech acts and logical
• Philosophy of linguistics - the study of language through
9. TT – perspective from Philosophy of Linguistics
• Structuralism - language reflects structure of thought,culture and society
• Transformational-Generative grammar - underlying
universal language
• Functionalism - Language and its social functions
• Cognitivism - Language as it reflects our cognitive
appraisal of the world, categorization of experience and
use of metaphor
10. TT – perspective from Linguistics
• Linguists perceive it as related to:–
Contrastive linguistics
Discourse Analysis
• Once dismissed as useless to TT– all of
these areas have been re-animated by
corpora linguistics
11. TT – perspective from Information Technology
• IT specialists are increasingly fascinated byhuman language and:
Machine assisted translation
Machine Translation
Knowledge Engineering
Information Retrieval
Artificial Intelligence
12. TT - the professional perspective
Translator training
Interpreter training
Translation aids
Translation criticism
Translation quality
Translation policy
Professional translation standards
13. Translation Theories
• The objectives of this seminar are:– To give a general outline of translation theories
in this century
– To show how these theories apply to non
literary texts
– To demonstrate that translation practice can
benefit from theory
14. Translation theories
• Most TT is:– Product-orientated – focuses the translation
– Function-orientated – examines the context and
purpose of the translation
– Process-orientated – analyses the psychology of
translation and process
• But usually has elements of all three
15. Partial theories of translation
Medium restricted – man or machine?
Area restricted – specific languages/cultures
Rank-restricted – word/sentence/text
Text-type restricted –different genres
Time-restricted – historical view
Problem-restricted – specific problems, e.g
16. Problems
Position of Translation Studies in academia
Split between theory and practice
Translation teachers' fear of theory
Researchers still encouraged to focus on
• Therefore teacher/researcher faced with
17. Early distinctions
• People have been arguing for centuries about– literal v. free v. faithful translation
– word-for-word v. sense-for-sense
• For example:
• Cicero, St Jerome, St Augustine, Martin Luther,
Étienne Dolet, Alexander Tytler, Johann Wolfgang
von Goethe, Friedrich Schleiermacher, Wilhelm
von Humboldt, Arthur Schopenhauer
• See Robinson (1997/2002)
18. Bible translation
• Bassnett (1991: 45-50) - "The history of Bibletranslation is accordingly a history of western
culture in microcosm".
St. Jerome's translation into Latin in 384 A.D.
John Wycliffe (1330-84)and the 'Lollards'
William Tyndale (1494-1536) – burnt at stake
Martin Luther – New Testament 1522, Old Testament
• Try Biblegateway:
19. The Qur’an
• See University of Southern California:
• Warning: "Note that any translation of the Qur'an
immediately ceases to be the literal word of Allah,
and hence cannot be equated with the Qur'an in its
original Arabic form. In fact, each of the
translations on this site is actually an
interpretation which has been translated."
20. Science in Translation a historical view
• Scott L. Montgomery. 2000. Science inTranslation. Movements of Knowledge
through Cultures and Time. University of
Chicago Press.
• Describes how scientific texts have been
translated, ‘adapted’, ‘revised’ and added to
down the centuries e.g.
– Western Astronomy
– Greek and Arabic Science
– Japanese Science
21. Further reading
• HERMANS, Theo & Ubaldo Stecconi.2002. 'Translators as Hostages to
• From the European Commission’s 'Theory
meets Practice' Seminars – at:
22. ‘Linguistic’ theories of translation
Language Universals v. Linguistic Relativism
Science of translation
Semantic and communicative translation
Korrespondenz and Äquivalenz
Translation ‘shifts’
Discourse and register analysis
23. Language Universals v. Linguistic Relativism
• Language Universals – presuppose thatlanguages and/or our capacity for language
are universal and/or innate
– long history leading to Chomsky and beyond
• Language Relativism – different languages
show us different ways of viewing the
– Sapir-Whorf theory and most translation theory
24. Science of translation
• Nida (1964)–
Linguistic meaning
Referential or denotative meaning
Emotive or connotative meaning
Hierarchical structuring
Componential analysis
Semantic structure analysis
Formal and dynamic equivalence
Applications to Bible translation
25. Chomsky and TT From Nida & Taber (1969:33)
Chomsky and TTFrom Nida & Taber (1969:33)
26. From Nida (1964: 185-7)
27. From Munday (2001: 50)
28. Equivalence
• Roman Jacobson (1959/2000) > “Equivalence indifference is the cardinal problem of language and
the pivotal concern of linguistics’
• Discusses equivalence at level of obligatory
grammar and lexicon, for example:
– gender
– aspect
– semantic fields
29. Equivalence at word level Baker (1992) – Chapter 2
• Morphology – lexical and syntactic• Lexical Meaning
• Propositional v. Expressive meaning
• Presupposed meaning
• Evoked meaning
– dialect – geographical, temporal, social
– Register – field/tenor/mode of discourse
• Semantic fields and lexical sets
30. Equivalence above word level Baker (1992) – Chapter 3
• Collocation– Collocational range and markedness
– Collocation and register
– Collocational meaning
• Idioms and Fixed Expressions
31. Grammatical equivalence Baker (1992) – Chapter 4
• Grammatical vs. Lexical categories• The Diversity of Grammatical Categories:
Tense and Aspect
Word Order
32. Newmark (1981)
• Semantic / communicative translation at level of:–
Transmitter/addressee focus
Time and origin
Relation to ST
Use of form of SL
Form of TL
Criterion for evaluation
33. Koller (1976/89) Korrespondenz and Äquivalenz
Denotative equivalence
Connotative equivalence
Text-normative equivalence
Pragmatic equivalence
Formal equivalence
34. Vinay & Darbelnet (1977/2000) Translation ‘shifts’
Vinay & Darbelnet (1977/2000)Translation ‘shifts’
– Direct translation:
• Borrowing
• Calque
• Literal translation
– Oblique translation
– Function at the level of the lexicon, syntax and message
35. Translation ‘shifts’
Catford (1965/2000)1. level shifts
2. category shifts:
unit or rank
Van Leuven-Zwart (1989/90)
8 categories and 37 sub-categories!
36. Linguistic theories and translation
• Most of these theories are considered‘linguistic’ and are useful for teaching
• Most translation occurs at the linguistic
level at some stage of the process
• However, too much stress on linguistic
levels can have negative effect at the text
37. Halliday Functional-Systemic linguistics
38. Textual equivalence Baker (1992) Chapter 5
• Thematic and Information Structures– Theme and Rheme
– Sentence analysis – S Od Oi Cs Co Cp Adj
Conj Disj
• Information Structure: Given and New
• Word Order and Communicative Function
39. Textual equivalence Baker (1992) Chapter 6
• Cohesion–
Substitution and Ellipsis
Lexical Cohesion
40. Translation Quality Assessment House (1997)
41. Focus on the function of the text
• Baker (1992) Chapter 7 - Pragmaticequivalence
• Reiss (1970s) – Functional approach
• Holz-Mäntarri (1984) – Translational action
• Vermeer (1970s) and Reiss & Vermeer
(1984) – ‘Skopos’ theory
• Nord (1988/91) – Text Analysis in
42. Pragmatic equivalence Baker (1992) Chapter 7
• Coherence• Presupposition
• Implicature
– Grice's maxims of
– Politeness
43. Reiss (1970s) Functional approach
• Classification of texts as:–
44. Reiss (1971) Text types
45. Reiss > Chesterman (1989) Text types and varieties
Reiss > Chesterman (1989)Text types and varieties
46. Holz-Mäntarri (1984) Translational action
• A communicative process involving:–
The initiator
The commissioner
The ST producer
The TT producer
The TT user
The TT receiver
47. Reiss & Vermeer (1984) – ‘Skopos’ theory
Reiss & Vermeer (1984) –‘Skopos’ theory
Focuses purpose or skopos of translation
1. A TT is determined by its skopos
2. A TT is message in a target culture/TL
concerning a message in a source culture/SL
3. A TT is not clearly reversible
4. A TT must be internally coherent
5. A TT must be coherent with the ST
48. Nord (1988/91) Text Analysis
Functional approach1. The importance of the translation
2. The role of ST analysis
3. The functional hierarchy of translation
49. Polysystem Theory Focus - social and cultural norms
Even-Zohar (1978/2000)
Toury (1995)
Chesterman (1997)
Lambert, Van Gorp, Hermans and the
Manipulation school (1985 & 1999)
50. Even-Zohar (1978/2000)
• Even-Zohar considers translated literature toinclude:
children's literature
other popular works of fiction,
• CONSIDER: informative writing of all kinds –
e.g. travel, art and sport, journalism, university
51. Toury (1995) Descriptive Translation Studies
• Important point in Translation Studies• It encouraged the description of all kinds of
translation and provided a wide basis on which to
conduct research.
• The tertium comparationis = attempt to postulate
'neutral translation' v. culturally and socially
'loaded' real translations
• BUT proved unsatisfactory and abandoned
52. Toury’s norms
• initial norm– ST norms = adequate translation
– TT norms = acceptable translation
• preliminary norms
– translation policy – selection of texts
– directness of translation – is ST an original?
• operational norms
– matricial norms or completeness of the TT
– textual-linguistic norms.
53. Toury’s ‘laws’
• The law of growing standardization suggests that the TT standards overridethose of the original text. This will happen
when the TL culture is more powerful.
• The law of interference - suggests that the
ST interferes in the TT by default. This will
happen when the SL culture is more
54. Chesterman’s norms (1997)
• Expectancy norms – expectations of readers– Allow evaluative judgements
– Validated by a norm-authority
• Professional norms
– Accountability norm – ethical norm
– Communication norm – social norm
– ‘Relation’ norm – linguistic norm (between SL
and TL)
55. Polysystem theory and the NON Literary text
• Even-Zohar, Toury, Chesteman, and otherssee ST and TT as part of a much wider
social and cultural context
• Although they may consider literary text
primary, their theories and suggestions are
applicable to all texts
56. Cultural Studies
• Bassnett & Lefevere (1991) dismissed‘linguistic theories’ as having ‘moved from
word to text as a unit, but not beyond’ and
talked of ‘painstaking comparisons between
orginals and translations’ which do not
consider the text in its cultural environment.
(Munday, 2001: 127)
57. Lefevere (1992) Power and patronage
• Professionals within the literary system• Patronage outside the literary system
– The ideological component
– The economic component
– The status component
• The dominant poetics
– Literary devices
– The concept of the role of literature
58. Examples
• Edward Fitzgerald's 'improvement' of workby Omar Khayyam
• An 18th century translator's ‘improvement’
of Camões' Os Lusiadas
• Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland 'softened' for children
• Censorship of ‘bad’ language
• Can you think of examples?
59. Simon (1996) Translation and Gender
• ‘Masculine language of translation theorists• Overt attempts to promote a feminist stance
through translation practice
• Contribution women have made by translating
works of literature over the centuries
• Relationship of women and culture as seen
through translation
– the translator is 'self-effacing'
– creates a 'new' work with a feminine point of view
• Link between feminist and postcolonial studies
60. Postcolonial Translation Theory
• Spivak (1993/2000) and Niranjana (1992)• Cultural implications - translating between:
– Colonized and colonizing
– Politically powerful and weaker languages and
• Power relations
• Translational and transnational factors
61. Example
• Spivak (2000) translates out of Bengali intoEnglish
• Try to imagine how an educated bi-lingual
(English/Bengali) woman with international
feminist connections might try to translate poetry
by Mahasweta Devi – a poet in an Indian village.
62. Other Situations
• Brazilian cannibalism (1960-1999)– Colonized devours colonizer and is enriched
• Cronin (1996)
– The Irish language and English imperialism
over the centuries
63. Cultural Studies ETC
• My suggestion - surf the Internet with:–
cultural studies
communication studies
comparative literature
literary studies
translation studies
64. Cultural Studies and the NON Literary text
• Cultural Studies theorists:– Rarely refer to NON Literary text
– Then tend to claim any ‘interesting’ text as
• YET Cultural Studies should – by its very
nature – go beyond literature – or at least
65. Reaction against TL orientated texts
• What can be done to avoid too muchstandardization?
• How can one avoid social or cultural bias?
• How can one truly represent the original?
66. Antoine Berman (1984) ‘the Experience of the Foreign’
• Berman’s ‘negative analytic’ of translationfocuses the following:
Qualitative impoverishment
Quantitative impoverishment
67. Antoine Berman (1984) ‘the Experience of the Foreign’
– The destruction of rhythms– The destruction of underlying networks of
– The destruction of linguistic patternings
– The destruction of vernacular networks or their
– The destruction of expressions and idioms
– The effacement of the superimposition of
68. Venuti (1995) The Translator’s Invisibility
• Criticizes those, like Toury, who aim to producevalue-free norms and laws of translation.
• Interpretes Lefevere's notions of patronage and its
influence in the context of Anglo-American
• Uses 'Invisibility' to describe the translator's
situation and activity in contemporary AngloAmerican culture
Can the Translator be ‘Invisible’?
Should the Translator be ‘Invisible’?
If, so – when? Give examples
Can the Translator be ‘invisible’ and
• If, so – when? Give examples
70. Pride, Prejudice ...... and Power
• Consider:• How literary translators’ describe their work
– Pride
• How reviewers and the public receive
translations - Prejudice
• The publishing industry and the effect of
globalization – Power
71. Philosophy and translation
• Philosophers often find translationfascinating - a few examples:
• Walter Benjamin (1923/2000)
• Ezra Pound (1929/2000)
• Steiner (1975/92/98)
• Derrida & Deconstruction (1960 >)
72. Walter Benjamin (1923/2000)
• Benjamin's metaphor - liberation of the originaltext through translation.
• Believed in interlinear translation > reveals the
original in all its complexity
• TL is 'powerfully affected by the foreign tongue‘
• An extreme example of foreignization
• Believed this would allow 'pure language' to
emerge from the harmonization of the two
73. Ezra Pound (1929/2000) – and his followers
• Ezra Pound influenced much literary translation• Idea that one does not need to know the SL well –
it is enough to feel the ‘spirit’
• Belief in archaizing and foreignizing to effect
• Led to ‘literary translation workshops’ inspiration
• Leads to very good translation – OR pretentious
and impenetrable texts!
74. Steiner (1975/92/98) Beyond Babel
Hermeneutic motion
Initiative trust
Imbalance between ST and TT
Resistant difference of the text
Elective affinity of the translator
75. Derrida & Deconstruction (1960 >)
Derrida & Deconstruction(1960 >)
• Objective of Derrida - and Deconstruction - to
demonstrate the instability of language in general
and the relationship between signified and
signifier in particular.
• 'Deconstruction' can and has been used to
'deconstruct' much more than 'traditional
literature‘ . E.g.
Political discourse
Psychology & Sociology
76. Philosophy and the NON Literary text
• At first sight, these theories would seem tobe furthest from the NON Literary text
• BUT – consider implications for:
Knowledge engineering
Semantic frameworks
Descriptive terminology
77. Interdisciplinary Translation Studies
• In practice - Literary translation is confinedto Modern Languages departments
• NON Literary translation is essentially
interdisciplinary in:
– Use of language
– Use of text
– Use of technology
• Snell Hornby (1995) - Text types
79. Technology and Translation
Desktop Publishing
Translation memories
Terminology databases
Translator’s Workbench
Machine translation
Information resources
80. Other aspects
• Bert Esselink –Localizaton• Yves Gambier –MultMedia Translation,
Conference Interpreting, Translation in Context
• Daniel Gouadec –Terminology and Translator
• Don Kiraly- A Social Constructivist Approach to
Translator Education – Empowerment from
Theory to Practice.
81. Anthony Pym
• Perhaps one of the best examples of multidisciplinary work and interests• Have a look at his homepage
82. Bibliography
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Traditions. London and New York: Routledge.
BAKER, M. (ed) 1977. The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation.
BASSNETT, Susan. 1991. Translation Studies. Revised Edition. London and New York: Routledge.
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86. Links
• Anthony Pym’s homepage• The virtual symposium "INNOVATION IN
(ITIT) " at -
• Post-Colonial Studies at Emory Web site
• Biblegateway:
• University of Southern California:
• European Commission’s translators’ workshop /seminar/interesting articles: