Intermediate State Test ПГК – 2015 / 8222
Category: englishenglish

Intermediate State Test ПГК – 2015 / 8222

1. Intermediate State Test ПГК – 2015 / 8222

7-8-9 классы

2. 1. Закончите предложение: Australia is in the southern …

a) hemisphere
b) part
c) atlas
d) district
e) earth

3. 1. Закончите предложение: Australia is in the southern …

a) hemisphere - полушарие
b) part - часть
c) atlas - атлас
d) district - район
e) earth - земля

4. 2. Закончите предложение: The Sun is the center of our … system.

a) sun
b) moon
c) planet
d) star
e) solar

5. 2. Закончите предложение: The Sun is the center of our … system.

a) sun
b) moon
c) planet
d) star
e) solar

6. 3. Образуйте прилагательное при помощи суффикса: danger

a) -ly
b) -ous
c) -ish
d) -word
e) -ic

7. 3. Образуйте прилагательное при помощи суффикса: danger

a) –ly (суффикс наречия – dangerously - опасно)
b) -ous
c) –ish (суффикс неполной степени качества
– childish – по-детски/greenish - зеленоватый)
d) –ward (суффикс наречия – backward наоборот/eastward - на восток)
e) –ic (суффикс прилагательного – heroic героический)

8. 4. Вставьте нужный предлог: My brother started school … the age of six.

a) at
b) with
c) in
d) on
e) from

9. 4. Вставьте нужный предлог: My brother started school … the age of six.

a) at (предлог места и времени)
b) with (предлог тв. падежа)
c) in (предлог места)
d) on (предлог места)
e) from – из, от

10. 5. Вставьте пропущенное слово: The … is the financial centre of London

a) Thames
b) City
c) Westminster
d) Oxford
e) Big Ben

11. 5. Вставьте пропущенное слово: The … is the financial centre of London

a) Thames – (river in London)
b) City – old and business centre
c) Westminster – (memorial for famous
d) Oxford –(is the oldest university)
e) Big Ben – (sightseeing – clock)

12. 6.Выберите правильный вариант перевода «легко»:

a) easy
b) easily
c) easier
d) easiness
e) easiless

13. 6.Выберите правильный вариант перевода «легко»:

a) easy - легкий
b) easily - легко
c) easier - легче
d) easiness -……..
e) easiless- ……

14. 7. Дополните: think – thought - …

7. Дополните: think
a) thinks
b) thoughted
c) thinked
d) thank
e) thought
– thought - …

15. 7. Дополните: think – thought - …

7. Дополните: think
a) thinks
b) thoughted
c) thinked
d) thank
e) thought
– thought - …

16. 8. Дополните: wake – woke - …

a) waked
b) woken
c) woked
d) wake
e) woke

17. 8. Дополните: wake – woke - … (будить, просыпаться)

a) waked
b) woken
c) woked
d) wake
e) woke

18. 9. Лишним в данной группе числительных является:

a) fifteenth
b) hundredth
c) second
d) fifty-five
e) third

19. 9. Закончите предложение: When children are seven they go to the … school

a) infant
b) private
c) primary
d) secondary
e) grammar

20. 9. Закончите предложение: When children are seven they go to the … school

a) infant - детсад
b) private - частный
c) primary – начальная школа
d) secondary – средняя школа
e) grammar - грамматика

21. 10. Прочитайте числительное: 7.321

a) seven thousands three hundred
and twenty one
b) seven thousand three hundred and
twenty one
c) seven thousands three hundreds
and twenty one
d) seven thousand three hundred and
twelve one
e) seven thousand three hundred
twenty one

22. 10. Прочитайте числительное: 7.321

a) seven thousands three hundred
and twenty one
b) seven thousand three hundred and
c) seven thousands three hundreds
and twenty one
d) seven thousand three hundred and
twelve one
e) seven thousand three hundred …
twenty one

23. 11. Выберите правильный вариант косвенной речи: “I will tell you something interesting” – said John

a) John said he will tell me something interesting
b) John said he would tell me something
c) John told he will tell me something interesting
d) John says he would tell me something
e) John asks he will tell me something interesting

24. 11. Выберите правильный вариант косвенной речи: “I will tell you something interesting” – said John Direct speech – прямая речь

Indirect speech – косвенная речь
Rule: если основной глагол “said” в прошедшем времени, то
глаголы из прямой речи в косвенную меняются по принципу
«шаг назад»
Future Simple на Future in the Past
a) John said he will tell me something interesting
b) John said he would tell me something interesting
c) John told he will tell me something interesting
d) John says he would tell me something interesting
e) John asks he will tell me something interesting

25. 12. Выберите правильный ответ на общий вопрос: Are there any strict rules in your school?

a) No, there isn’t
b) Yes, there is
c) Yes, there will
d) Yes, there are
e) No, there won’t

26. 12. Выберите правильный ответ на общий вопрос: Are there any strict rules in your school? Есть ли в вашей школе строгие

a) No, there isn’t
b) Yes, there is
c) Yes, there will
d) Yes, there are
e) No, there won’t

27. 13. Выберите правильную форму глагола: If you … your sister about the house she will take you to the cinema.

a) would help
b) helped
c) will help
d) shall help
e) help

28. 13. Выберите правильную форму глагола: If you … your sister about the house she will take you to the cinema. First Conditionals

Rule: (If + Present Simple +Future Simple) or
(Future Simple + If + Present Simple)
Remember! (после if всегда ставится Present Simple)
a) would help
b) helped
c) will help
d) shall help
e) help

29. 14. Дополните предложение: You will enjoy yourself if you … to Astana

a) go
b) will go
c) would go
d) went
e) gone

30. 14. Дополните предложение: You will enjoy yourself if you … to Astana First Conditionals Rule: (If + Present Simple +Future

Simple) or
(Future Simple + If + Present Simple)
Remember! (после if всегда ставится Present Simple)
a) go
b) will go
c) would go
d) went
e) gone

31. 15. Дополните предложение To have an effect on something means to … it

a) understand
b) influence
c) recognize
d) follow
e) remember

32. 15. Дополните предложение To have an effect on something means to … it

a) understand - понимать
b) influence - влиять
c) recognize - узнавать
d) follow - следовать
e) remember - запомнить

33. 16. Вставьте необходимый артикль: London is … capital of … Great Britain

a) a/the
b) the/the
c) the/d) a/a
e) -/-

34. 16. Вставьте необходимый артикль: London is … capital of … Great Britain

a) a/the
b) the/the
c) the/d) a/a
e) -/-

35. 17. Найдите синонимы к словам: separate, unite, cross, divide, close …

a) separate - divide
b) divide - close
c) close - unite
d) unite - cross
e) cross - separate

36. 17. Найдите синонимы к словам: separate - отделить, unite - объединить, cross - зачеркнуть, divide - разделить, close - закрыть

17. Найдите синонимы к словам:
separate - отделить, unite - объединить, cross зачеркнуть, divide - разделить, close - закрыть
a) separate – divide (отделить, разделить)
b) divide - close
c) close - unite
d) unite - cross
e) cross - separate

37. 18. Выберите правильно составленное предложение:

a) What are there in the picture? There is a
b) Are there any sugar in the tea?
c) There are many rivers in Kazakhstan, aren’t
d) There is no computer clubs in our city
e) There are much children playing in the

38. 18. Выберите правильно составленное предложение:

a) What are there in the picture? There is a
b) Are/is there any sugar (uncountable) in the
c) There are many rivers in Kazakhstan, aren’t
there? (tag-question)
d) There is/are no computer clubs in our city
e) There are much/many children playing in
the yard

39. 19. Дополните предложение: John… he could not attend the lesson that day

a) said
b) tell
c) asked
d) spoke
e) say

40. 19. Дополните предложение: John said: “I can’t attend the lesson today John said he could not attend the lesson that day

a) said
b) tell
c) asked
d) spoke
e) say


20. Закончите предложение:
The heart of London is …
a) The Stonehenge
b) The West End
c) The East End
d) The Parliament
e) The City


20. Закончите предложение:
The heart of London is …
a) The Stonehenge - is most famous
prehistoric monument in Britain
b) The West End – for rich people
c) The East End – for poor people and
d) The Parliament – was formed in 1707
e) The City


21. Выберите специальный вопрос к предложению:
The dark cave was inhabited by bats
a) What was inhabited the cave by?
b) Was the cave inhabited by bats or by
c) Was the cave inhabited by bats?
d) What the cave was inhabited by?
e) What was the cave inhabited by?


21. Выберите специальный вопрос к предложению:
The dark cave was inhabited by bats (летучая мышь)
a) What was inhabited the cave by? -…
b) Was the cave inhabited by bats or by
doves? (альтернативный)
c) Was the cave inhabited by bats?
d) What the cave was inhabited by?-…
e) What was the cave inhabited by?


22. Выберите нужную форму глагола:
The teacher promised he … us to the theatre
the following week
a) would be taken
b) will have take
c) would taken
d) will take
e) would take


22. Выберите нужную форму глагола:
The teacher said: I will promise to take you to the theatre next week
The teacher promised he would us to the theatre the following week
Direct speech – прямая речь
Indirect speech – косвенная речь
Rule: если основной глагол “said” в прошедшем времени, то
глаголы из прямой речи в косвенную меняются по принципу
«шаг назад»
Future Simple на Future in the Past
next на following
a) would be taken
b) will have take
c) would taken
d) will take
e) would take


23. Переведите в косвенную речь:
Liz asked her friend: “Will you go out or play
computer games?”
a) Liz wants to know if her friend will go out or play
computer games.
b) Liz asked her friend will you go out or play
computer games.
c) Liz asks if she would go out or stay at home.
d) Liz wanted to know if her friend would go out or
play computer games.
e) Liz says will you go out or play computer games.


23. Переведите в косвенную речь:
Liz asked her friend: “Will you go out or play computer games?”
Direct speech – прямая речь
Indirect speech – косвенная речь
Rule: если основной глагол “asked” в прошедшем времени, то
глаголы из прямой речи в косвенную меняются по принципу
«шаг назад»
Future Simple на Future in the Past
a) Liz wants to know if her friend will go out or play computer
b) Liz asked her friend will you go out or play computer games.
c) Liz asks if she would go out or stay at home.
d) Liz wanted to know if her friend would go out or play computer
e) Liz says will you go out or play computer games.


24. Закончите предложение:
The poorest part of London is …
a) the City
b) the West End
c) the East End
d) the Westminster
e) the Tower


24. Закончите предложение:
The poorest part of London is …
a) the City
b) the West End
c) the East End
d) the Westminster
e) the Tower – (officially Her Majesty's Royal
Palace and Fortress of the Tоwer/oфициально Ее
Величества Королевский дворец и Крепость)


25. Выберите правильно составленное
a) There is two pencils and two books on the
b) There are a girl and three boys in the park
c) There is many elephants in Africa
d) There is a cup of tea and some scones on
the table
e) There is many apple trees and one cherry
tree in our garden


25. Выберите правильно составленное предложение:
There is+a cup of tea and some scones on the table
(There is +1 – ед.число /2 – мн. число)
There are+some scones and a cup of tea on the table
(There are+ 1 – мн. число /2 – ед. число)
a) There is two pencils and two books on the table
b) There are a girl and three boys in the park
c) There is many elephants in Africa
d) There is a cup of tea and some scones on the
e) There is many apple trees and one cherry tree in
our garden
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