First Aid ABC’s/ First on the Scene

First Aid ABC’s/ First on the Scene

1. First Aid ABC’s/ First on the Scene

1. Journal: A first Aid kit should have…
2. Homework check and Attendance
3. Packet Page #6 in class and discuss
4. ABC’s notes
5. First on the scene notes
6. Test questions

2. First Aid Review

What did we do last time?
Where do most accidents happen?
Motor Vehicles (cars)
You are most likely to have an accident if
you are a:
Young male

3. ABC’s

A irway
_______: Is there anything blocking the air from
getting to the lungs from the mouth?
Tilt head back gently and pull chin forward.
__________ : Is the person breathing?
Look at their chest for rising, Listen for
breathing, Feel for breathing with your ear.
__________ : is the heart pumping blood around
the body?
Check for pulse.

4. First on the scene

Yell ____
2. Survey
_____ the Scene
_____ to make sure it is safe.
3. Tap
___ and Shout
_____, to see if the victim is conscious.
4. Call 9-1-1
5. Open Airway: Head __
tilt chin __.
6. Check breathing: Look
____ at the chest.
_____ for breathing.
____ for breathing with ear
7. If not breathing give 2_breathes watching for the ____
to rise.
8. Check pulse for 10
__ sec.
9. Give any care needed.

5. Test Questions

What do the “ABC’s” stand for in first aid?
Airway, Breathing, Circulation
You come across a scene where the victim is
unconscious, what is the most important thing for you
to do?
A. Check the time
B. Call a friend
C. Call 911
D. Run
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