Sports in Russia

Sports in Russia

1. Sports in Russia


It’s very important
for people to have
some regular
exercises.In Russia
a lot of people go
in for sports. We
can say that
Russian is a nation
of sports-lovers.

3. Many sports are popular in our country.

• Football

4. All watter sports are widely spread in our country.

• Swimming
• Watter skiing


• A great number of sportsmen take part in the Olympic
Games and show excellent results.Many of athletes
have been Olympic medalists and record.


• For one:
• Tatyana Navka and Roman Kostomarov Irina Rodnina and Aleksander Zaytsev


• But many people still prefer to be sectors . Thousands of people go to
stadiums to support their favourite teams and sportsmen.

8. Doing sports prevents us from getting too fat and helps to stay healthy.

9. But certainly watching sports events and going in for sports are two different things.

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