Russia from February to October of 1917

Russia from February to October of 1917

1. Russia from February to October of 1917

Prepared by Anikutina Irina
Group 2110, Financial Faculty

2. Contents:

1. The February Revolution
2. The emergence of dual power (‘dvoevlastie’)
3. The policy of Provisional Government
4. The April, June and July crises
5. The struggle against revolution
6. The Kornilov Riot
7. Another attempt to stabilize the society
8. The October Revolution

3. The February Revolution

February 1917, Petrograd - rallies and riots started,
provoked by interruptions in the supply of bread,
due to the backdrop of the general economic
difficulties and the alarming situation of the First
World War;
A considerable part of soldiers of the St.
Petersburg garrison went over to the side of
Representatives of the leadership of the State
Duma actually supported the uprising by making it

4. The February Revolution

February 27 - the Executive Committee of the
Petrograd Soviet of Soldiers’ and Workers' Deputies
was created. It included representatives of the
Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries;
March 1 - Petrosoviet issued Order No. 1, according to
which committees of elected soldiers and sailors were
introduced into the army, which were supposed to
control the actions of officers, to dispose of available
weapons, etc.;
The army turned into an instrument of political
struggle and lost its main role of a defender of state

5. The emergence of dual power (‘dvoevlastie’)

March 2, 1917 - Emperor Nicholas II was removed from power
during a conspiracy of representatives of the State Duma,
headed by Guchkov and Miliukov, who were supported by most
of the generals-leaders of the fronts;
March 3 - due to the lack of guarantees for personal security,
Mikhail Aleksandrovich renounced the succession of the throne
and agreed to the formation of the Provisional Government and
the Constituent Assembly ;
The Constituent Assembly was supposed to decide on the state
system of the country and to establish its constitution;
Nicholas II was arrested by the commissars of the Petrograd
Soviet and was escorted to the Tsarkoye Selo with his family;

6. The emergence of dual power (‘dvoevlastie’)

The Provisional Government was soon formed of
members of the State Duma, most of the portfolios
were given to Cadets;
The Provisional Government could act and enforce the
decrees only with the support of the Soviets;
A dual power emerged, expressing a transitional
moment in the development of the revolution;
the provisional government was the agency of the
dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and the bourgeoisified
landlords, and the Council of Workers 'and Soldiers'
Deputies was the agency of the revolutionarydemocratic dictatorship of the proletariat and the

7. The policy of Provisional Government

March, 3 - the program of activities was promulgated:
Full and immediate amnesty for all political and
religious affairs;
Freedom of speech, assembly and strikes;
Abolition of all class, religious and national
Immediate preparation for elections on the basis of
universal, equal, secret and direct voting in the
Constituent Assembly;
the replacement of the police by the people's militia;
giving soldiers civil rights;

8. The policy of Provisional Government

The Provisional Government retained all the main bodies of
central and local government (ministries, city dumas,
The place of the governors was occupied by the chairmen of
the provincial zemstvo boards as commissars of the Provisional
Gendarmerie and secret police were liquidated;
Hundreds of prisons were crushed or burnt;
The press agencies of the Black-Hundred organizations were
Trade unions, women's, youth and other organizations were
an 8-hour working day throughout the country was concluded;

9. The policy of Provisional Government

The preparation of land reform began. Because of the
persistent rumors about the beginning of the
redistribution of land in a number of places, the
peasants began to seize landowners' land arbitrarily.
The government opposed the seizure of landed
estates and used troops to suppress peasant

10. The policy of Provisional Government

During March 1917, the Provisional Government issued a series of
decrees and orders aimed at democratizing the country:
The Government issued a Decree on the amnesty of all politically
Laws about abolishing religious and national restrictions were
The decision "On the establishment of the police" was adopted.
The decree "On Assemblies and Alliances" was issued.
All citizens without restrictions could form alliances and rallies.
The most democratic law on elections to the Constituent Assembly
was adopted: universal, equal, direct with secret voting.
August, 6 - the decree on the dissolution of the State Duma and the
State Council was adopted;

11. The April, June and July crises

April, 18 - Milyukov made a speech about the determination of
conducting the war to the victorious end, which led to rallies,
demonstrations, and the resignation of Milyukov and Guchkov;
May, 5 - the creation of the first coalition government;
The program of the coalition government included such things
as the further democratization of the country, the
establishment of universal peace, the struggle against
devastation, the implementation of agrarian reform;
The disintegration of the economy continued, the productivity
of labor and the wages of workers and employees declined, and
peasants were becoming poorer and poorer;

12. The April, June and July crises

June, 3 - the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets
congress rejected the proposal of the Bolsheviks to
end the war and the transfer of power to the Soviets;
June, 18 - demonstrations for the end of the war were
held. The government managed to overcome the new
crisis due to the support of the First Congress of
Soviets and the Russian army's advance on the SouthWestern Front;

13. The April, June and July crises

July ,2 ,Petrograd - there were numerous meetings
of soldiers of the Petrograd garrison, who did not
want to go to the front;
July 3 - armed demonstrations with the slogans "All
power to the Soviets“ took place;
The government declared Petrograd on a martial
An order to arrest Lenin had been issued, since he
was considered a German spy;

14. The April, June and July crises

The dual power in the country is over. July ,24 - a
second coalition government was formed;
The government was headed by the SocialistRevolutionary A.F.Kerensky. A.A. Brusilov was
removed from the post of Commander-in-Chief,
and LG. Kornilov took his place;
The consolidation of those who advocated the
cessation of "revolutionary anarchy" and the
establishment of order in the country began.

15. The struggle against revolution

July-August - the Sixth Congress of the RSDLP (b) was
held. On it the Bolsheviks took the course on seizing
power in Russia by armed means;
August 12-15, Moscow - a State Meeting - the urgent
political and economic problems of the country are
Industrialists, bankers, officers, former deputies of the
State Duma, representatives of the soviets, parties,
trade unions, and other public organizations took part
in the work of the Meeting.

16. The Kornilov Riot

Kornilov demanded the introduction of the death penalty in
the rear, establishment of strict discipline on the roads,
factories, factories;
At first he and Kernsky got closer due to the common goal of
uniting the state, but then a struggle because of ambitions
broke out between them;
August ,25 - L.G. Kornilov launched an offensive against
Petrograd in order to establish a military dictatorship;
Kerensky had to seek support from people and even to
cooperate with the Bolsheviks;
All the socialist parties, the Soviets, and the detachments of
the workers' Red Guard subordinated to them protested
against Kornilovism;
By August,30 rebel troops were stopped, L.G. Kornilov was

17. The Kornilov Riot

The balance of power and the political situation changed
The failure of the Kornilov insurrection contributed to the
rapid growth of the popularity of the Bolshevik party;
Mass Bolshevisation of the Soviets began. The chairman of the
Petrograd Soviet was L.D. Trotsky. The Bolsheviks found
support from the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries, which by that
time had become an independent party;
August,31 - the Petrograd Soviet adopted a resolution on
"Power", which referred to the need to remove the Cadets and
all representatives of bourgeois parties implicated in the
Kornilov riot from power. The workers 'and peasants'
government was to appear;

18. Another attempt to stabilize the society

September,1 - Kerensky proclaimed Russia a
September,14 - the All-Russian Democratic
The purpose of the meeting was to break the
influence of Bolshevized Soviets;
Late September - A.F. Kerensky formed the third
coalition government ;
However, there was no longer any confidence in the
new government;

19. The October Revolution

November, 7 (October,25) - the Bolsheviks came to power
through the armed October Revolution;
In 8 months Bolsheviks have transformed from a
marginal party into a significant social force;
The provisional government and the competing socialist
parties were too hesitant, too moderate, extremely
loosely organized and ideologically separated;
The Bolsheviks proclaimed the Russian Soviet Republic,
the first socialist state in the world;
The Bolsheviks did not wait for the Constituent Assembly
and carried out a whole series of radical revolutionary

20. The October Revolution

Landlordism and, land ownership were liquidated (land had
to be redistributed among peasants by the peasant
communities themselves);
Labor control was introduced in industrial enterprises;
Class inequality was eliminated and legal equality of all
citizens of the republic was established;
A secular state was established: the church was separated
from the state and schools;
Russia switched to the European calendar, the spelling
reform has been proposed;
Bolsheviks declared the necessity of peaceful negotiations
between all countries participating in the First World War;

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