Black & White
Black Colour in Culture
Black Colour and Political Movements
White Colour in Culture
White Colour and Political movements
Category: culturologyculturology

Black and White

1. Black & White

Black & White

2. Black Colour in Culture

Europe: mourning, evil
and darkness, authority
Asian counties: water,
Indonesia: demons,


4. Black Colour and Political Movements

Anarchism: a black flag or a black letter
The Blackshirts: a black flag with fasces,
an ancient Roman symbol of authority
The Nazis: black swastika
and a black triangle
Islamism: the Black Standard

5. White Colour in Culture

Europe: innocence and
sacrifice, new
Asian counties: mourning and
funerals, reincarnation
The Bedouin: gratitude, joy,
good fortune and fertility


7. White Colour and Political movements

The white flag of the Bourbon dynasty of France;
the White Army;
the Ku Klux Klan: white robes and hoods;
the White Rose: white ribbon


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