Speaker Bio
Who we are: the AR&C office
Who we are: the AR&C office
Who we are: the AR&C office
Who we are: the AR&C office
What is Applied Research?
What is Applied Research?
What is Applied Research?
College-based applied research
What is Applied Research?
What is Applied Research?
What is Applied Research?
What is Applied Research?
What is Applied Research?
What is Applied Research?
What is Applied Research?
What is Applied Research?
What is Applied Research?
What is Applied Research?
What is Applied Research?
What is Applied Research?
What is Applied Research?
What is Applied Research?
What is Applied Research?
What is Applied Research?
What is Applied Research?
What is Applied Research?
Our resources
Our resources
Our resources
Our facilities
Our facilities
Our facilities
Our work
Our work
Our work
Our work
Our work
Our work
What is Applied Research?
Our work
Our work
Categories: englishenglish educationeducation

Defining applied our goals, objectives, and research opportunities


Defining Applied Research
Our Goals, Objectives, and Opportunities
May 9, 2012

2. Speaker Bio

Rob Spewak
• B.Sc. (Agricultural Engineering), University of Manitoba
• M.Sc. (Agricultural & Bioresource Engineering, University of
• Work experience - engineering consulting, technical sales
• Westlink - Technology commercialization internship program
• RRC’s first “Research Manager” – 2007 onward

3. Agenda

• Applied Research & Commercialization (AR&C)
• Who are we? What do we do? Why are we here?
• Defining applied research
• Overview of applied research at colleges
Benefits to staff/students, industry partners
• AR&C – our main activities, and development of an “applied
research module”

4. Who we are: the AR&C office

Who we are: the AR&C office
• Created in 2004
• Facilitates applied research activities at RRC
• Serves as contact point for industry, granting agencies and

5. Who we are: the AR&C office

Who we are: the AR&C office
Our activities
• Assists in development of applied research proposals
• Identify and form partnerships with industry
• Seeks and administers external funding
• Administers internal research funding program
• CARD – College Applied Research Development Fund (formerly RIF)

6. Who we are: the AR&C office

Who we are: the AR&C office
Management and administration
Ray Hoemsen (Director)
Rob Spewak (Research Manager)
Aman Hussein (NSERC Research Manager)
Danielle Puddicombe (Research Office Manager)
Lyndsay Ross (Administrative Assistant – currently on mat leave)
• Ken Klassen (CARSI Research Professional)
• Jose Delos Reyes (Research Coordinator)
• Serge Broeska (SITRG Mechanical Engineering Technologist)
• TBD (SITRG Civil Engineering Technologist)

7. Who we are: the AR&C office

Who we are: the AR&C office
Technology Transfer & Communications
• Brent Wennekes (Technology Transfer & Communications Manager)
• Adam Campbell (Communications Officer)

8. What is Applied Research?

What is a good definition of Applied Research?
• Wikipedia – “involves the practical application of science”; “deals with
solving practical problems”; and “resides in the messy real world”
• Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's ELSI in Science:
• “Applied research is designed to solve practical problems of the
modern world, rather than to acquire knowledge for knowledge's
sake. One might say that the goal of the applied scientist is
to improve the human condition ”.
• http://www.lbl.gov/Education/ELSI/research-main.html

9. What is Applied Research?

What is a good definition of Applied Research?
• Wisegeek.com:
• Applied research is: “any fact gathering project that is conducted with
an eye to acquiring and applying knowledge that will address a specific
problem or meet a specific need”
• All definitions focus on the solving of specific/practical problems

10. What is Applied Research?

Applied Research (Colleges) vs. Basic Research (Universities)
• Problem solving (Focusing on the HOW not the WHY)
• Shorter-term projects
• Applying knowledge and testing to previous research
Basic research lays the foundation for applied research
• Focus on work of students and instructors
Engage on a project basis
Incorporate into co-op work terms or
projects for coursework

11. College-based applied research

Applied vs. basic research
Intellectual property
- few to no patents
- commercial rights routinely assigned to industry partner
- research and education rights retained by RRC

12. What is Applied Research?

The line is blurring
• Perhaps good question to ask: “How long will it be before some practical
application results from the research ?“
The longer the timeline, the more likely it is BASIC research

13. What is Applied Research?

An example…
• Basic university research may
involve the discovery of a new
rubber compound formulation
for use in automobile tires that
is thought to improve durability
and performance in all seasons
• Applied college research may
involve driving automobiles
outfitted with tires of the new
rubber formulation and
evaluating the durability and
performance – i.e. measuring
tread wear, stopping distance
on ice

14. What is Applied Research?

Another example…
• Basic university research may
involve the discovery of
compounds in flaxseed that
have disease-prevention
• Applied college research may
involve taking the flaxseed or
its compounds and
incorporating into a palatable
food item(s)

15. What is Applied Research?

What defines a “researcher”? Who can do applied research?
• “Someone who studies (something) thoroughly so as to present findings
in a detailed, accurate manner”
• In an applied research context - Do we all deal with practical “real
world” problems everyday? Absolutely!
• Not limited to persons with advanced degrees
• Is it for everyone? Not necessarily…

16. What is Applied Research?

The applied research process
• AR&C assists through the entire process
• Association of Canadian Community Colleges has developed an applied
research workflow
• AR&C developing its own “how to” module (to be discussed at end)

17. What is Applied Research?

18. What is Applied Research?

19. What is Applied Research?

20. What is Applied Research?

Why are colleges doing it?
• Strong relationships between colleges & industry/community
College graduates play a critical role in incremental innovation
Increased federal government investment
More opportunities for staff and students
Increased awareness of capabilities
Future trends: population growth, energy usage, pollution – shift from
focus on new product creation to finding solutions for using the planet’s
resources in a sustainable manner

21. What is Applied Research?

Roles of universities and colleges in the research process

22. What is Applied Research?

Fast facts - Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC)
Over 100 colleges and institutes across Canada are engaged in applied
4,444 companies partnered with colleges for applied research projects,
4,380 for industry research and 64 for social innovation research
447 areas of research specialization and 305 specialized research centres
and labs support innovation in all sectors of the economy

23. What is Applied Research?

Fast facts - Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC)
13,585 students engaged in applied research in 2010-11, up by 63 percent
from 2009-10
1,606 faculty and staff, including industrial experts and technicians, engaged
in research, up by 34 percent from 2009-10
Private sector investment in Canada’s colleges increased by 13 percent in
the last year to $50.3 million

24. What is Applied Research?

RRC’s Mandate
• Applied research is a key element in RRC’s mandate
• Integrated with educational and training activities
• Major areas: Sustainable infrastructure technology, bio-sciences,
manufacturing design technology, among others

25. What is Applied Research?

RRC’s Mission
“The College’s applied research mission is to assume a leading role in the
application of knowledge through directed applied research in specific areas
of expertise, to enhance the connectivity between College expertise and
the needs of industry, and to create an institutional climate of support for
applied research. By adding applied research projects to the curriculum, the
college will educate the next generation of applied researchers, equipping
them to assume leadership roles in their respective fields.”

26. What is Applied Research?

Benefits to students
• Exposure to solving ‘real world’ industry challenges
• Gain critical skills in proposal development, conducting applied research
and report writing
• Chance to impress potential future employers

27. What is Applied Research?

Benefits to instructors
• Exposure to industry concerns and trends
• Use of research results to update/modify courses
• Access to new equipment
• Professional development

28. What is Applied Research?

Benefits to industry
• Supports innovation
• Accelerates adoption of new technologies
• Enhances productivity and efficiency
• Increases industry competitiveness
• Supports community economic development
• “Test drive” potential future employees

29. What is Applied Research?

What makes a good applied research project?
• Reflection of the College’s values and themes
• Fits in main research areas
• Maximizes the building of research capacity
• Addresses workforce needs/private sector partnerships

30. Our resources

• Sustainable Infrastructure Technology Research Group
• Improving the energy performance of new and existing buildings
• Funded by a $2.3-million grant from the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
• Funding supports faculty release time, students, and fees for external
consultants/experts among others

31. Our resources

• National Research Council Canada Industrial Research Assistance
• Network member since March 2008
• Goals of funding:
Benefit technology-based SMEs in the sustainable infrastructure sector
Establish/enhance College relationship with public research facilities
Support capacity within CARSI

32. Our resources

• Digital Technology Adoption Pilot Program (DTAPP)
• Developing and implementing digital technology awareness and
advisory services to Manitoba SMEs to increase their productivity.
• Key Components:
Digital Technology Strategy Development
Digital Technology Advisory Support Service (DTASS)
Industry Outreach and Linkage Facilitation
• NRC-IRAP funding: $100,000

33. Our facilities

Centre for Applied Research in Sustainable Infrastructure (CARSI)
• 10,000 sq.ft. facility opened in 2007
• Environmental control chambers
• Removable exterior wall section
• Structural dynamic test system
• Strong floor for testing of large structural members

34. Our facilities

• In development…
• EVTEC – Electric Vehicle Technology and Education Centre
Support electric vehicle innovation in/by Manitoba’s transportation sector
Enhance electric vehicle education at RRC and in the region
Increase public awareness of electric vehicle technology
• ATEC – Advanced Transportation and Energy Centre
To support innovation in the transportation industry
To introduce new vehicle technologies through applied research
to train the next generation of skilled workers to ensure the successful
commercialization of new innovations

35. Our facilities

• CATT – Centre for Aerospace Technology and Training
Array of cutting-edge laser systems
Vapour phase crack-cleaning equipment
Aerospace hot section coating equipment
Digital non-destructive inspection system
On-site materials lab
• CNDI – Centre for Non-Destructive Inspection
Distributed network of technologies, facilities and expertise in nondestructive inspection of components and assemblies
Defect visualization using ultrasonic imaging and x-ray radiography
Distributed network of workstations

36. Our work

RRC – Applied Research Project Examples
• Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) study
• Conversion of 10 Toyota Prius vehicles to PHEVs

37. Our work

RRC – Applied Research Project Examples
• Concentrated solar power project with Manitoba Hydro
• Parabolic solar trough – evaluate performance in cold climate

38. Our work

RRC – Applied Research Project Examples
• Air leakage testing of large buildings
• Data plentiful for residential buildings, but not for large
commercial/industrial buildings

39. Our work

CARD (formerly Research Innovation Fund) Projects
• College Applied Research Development Fund
• Supports internal, short-term research projects (Since 2005)
• Wide variety of projects have been funded (Over $300,000 in total)
• High efficiency furnace evaluation to early childhood development
• 2012 deadline: May 31, 2012
• More info: http://www.rrc.mb.ca/index.php?pid=7614

40. Our work

High efficiency furnace evaluation

41. Our work

And…the “crappy” side of research….
• Effects of eco-friendly water-saving devices
on drainage/venting systems
• For more information:
• http://xnet.rrc.mb.ca/rcharney

42. What is Applied Research?

Applied research module
• AR&C developing “how to” or researcher guides for both staff &
students, including a webinar
• Reference guide for the entire applied research process, from proposal
development to final report and technology transfer activities
Your feedback is important!
• What are your main questions/unknowns?
• What are the critical pieces that need to
be in the researcher guide?
• Expertise survey

43. Our work

More information
Rob Spewak, M.Sc., E.I.T.
Research Manager
Applied Research & Commercialization
[email protected]

44. Our work

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