Category: englishenglish

Irregular verbs


Irregular verbs
Lesson 8

2. Revision

• Look at the first form
• Quickly say the other two forms
was/were been

3. lay

4. hurt

5. hold

6. hit

7. hide

8. hang

9. grow

10. freeze

11. fight

12. feed

13. have

14. get

15. fly

16. find

17. feel

18. give

19. feel

20. find

21. feel

22. give

23. go

24. fall

25. eat

26. know

27. let

28. pay

29. meet

30. make

31. lose

32. leave

33. keep

34. hear

35. pay

36. stand

37. speak

38. sleep

39. sing

40. see

41. say

42. run

43. read

44. put

45. send

46. sell

47. sit

48. write

49. wear

50. understand

51. think

52. tell

53. teach

54. take

55. swim

56. Exercise 1

• Read

57. bite bit bitten (кусати)

58. beat beat beaten (бити)

59. blow blew blown (дути)

60. break broke broken (ламати)

61. build built built (будувати)

62. burn burnt burnt (горіти)

63. can could been able to (могти, вміти)

64. catch caught caught (ловити)

65. cost cost cost (коштувати)

66. cut cut cut (різати)

67. Exercise 2

• Say the past form (V2)

68. bite … bitten (кусати)

69. beat … beaten (бити)

70. blow … blown (дути)

71. break … broken (ламати)

72. build … built (будувати)

73. burn … burnt (горіти)

74. can … been able to (могти, вміти)

75. catch … caught (ловити)

76. cost … cost (коштувати)

77. cut … cut (різати)

78. Exercise 3

• Say past form (v2) and past

79. bite … (кусати)

80. beat … (бити)

81. blow … (дути)

82. break … (ламати)

83. build … (будувати)

84. burn … (горіти)

85. can … (могти, вміти)

86. catch … (ловити)

87. cost … (коштувати)

88. cut … (різати)

89. Exercise 4

• Look at the past form (V2) and say
the infinitive form (V1)

90. (кусати)

V2 bit
V1 bite

91. (бити)

V2 beat
V1 beat

92. (дути)

V2 blew
V1 blow

93. (ламати)

V2 broke
V1 break

94. (будувати)

V2 built
V1 build

95. (горіти)

V2 burnt
V1 burn

96. (могти, вміти)

V2 could
V1 can
(могти, вміти)

97. (ловити)

V2 caught
V1 catch

98. (коштувати)

V2 cost
V1 cost

99. (різати)

V2 cut
V1 cut

100. Exercise 5

• Read the question
Did this dog bite somebody?
• Answer the question positively
Yes, It bit the cat.


Did you beat your friend at chess?
Yes, I beat him yesterday


Did you blow up the balloons on your
birthday party?
Yes, I blew up them


Did this boy break the window?
Yes, he broke it three times


Did this dog bite somebody?
Yes, it bit the cat


Did you build the tower of toy-blocks
Yes, I built it when I was a


Did you burn calories yesterday?
Yes, I burnt a lot of calories
because I had PE lesson.


Could you swim at the age of 5?
Yes, I could swim from my


Did you catch fish yesterday?
Yes, I caught a lot of fish.


Did this pen cost 5 hrn yesterday?
Yes, It cost 5 hrn.


Did you cut your hair yesterday?
Yes, I cut it.

111. Exercise 6

• Read the question
Do you want to bite this apple?
Answer the question
I have already bitten it
• Use past participle in the answer


Do you want to bite this apple?
I have already bitten it.


Do you want to beat this
Easter egg?
I have already beaten it.


Do you want to blow off the candles
on the birthday cake?
I have already blown
off them.


Do you want to break the world record
for sleeping?
I have already broken it.


Do you want to build the
new bridge?
I have already built it with
toy blocks.


Do you want to burn my letter?
I have already burnt it.


Do you want to catch taxi?
I have already caught it.


Do you want the camera to cost
100 hrn?
It has already cost 100


Do you want to cut out
Christmas decoration?
I have already cut it.

121. Well done!

See you in the next lesson
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