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Pancake Day
2. Glossary
Varies- меняетсяThe shriving bell- церковный колокол
Held- ручной
Apron- фартук
Confess sins – исповедать грехи Housewife- домохозяйка
The pan- сковородка
The race- гонка
Flipping- подбрасывать(переворачивая)
To toss- подкинуть
3. What is Pancake Day?
Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday, is thelast day before the period which
Christians call Lent. It is traditional on
this day to eat pancakes.
4. When is Pancake Day?
Shrove Tuesday is celebrated the daybefore Ash Wednesday. It is the final day
before Lent starts. Shrove Tuesday
always falls 47 days before Easter
Sunday. Because of this, the date varies
from year to year and but always falls
between 3 February and 9 March.
5. Why do Christians call the Pancake Day?
The name Shrove comes from the oldword "shrive" which means to confess. A
long time ago, on Shrove Tuesday,
people used to confess their sins so that
they were forgiven before Lent began.
6. Pancake Races
Pancake races are held all over England.The aim is to get to the finishing line
first whilst flipping a pancake in a
frying pan a certain number of times.
The pancake must still be in the pan
when the finishing line is reached.
7. What are pancakes?
Golden syrupSugar
Lemon juice, known as ‘jif’
Lent is a time when Christians givethings up. Pancake day is the last chance
before Easter to use up the fatty foods
that can’t be eaten in Lent.
According to tradition, in 1445 a woman of Olney heard the shrivingbell while she was making pancakes and ran to the church in her
apron, still clutching her frying pan.
To compete in the race, you have to be a local housewife and youmust wear an apron and a hat or scarf. Each woman in the race
has a frying pan with a hot pancake. It must be tossed three times
during the race.
11. Resources
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