МБОУ «Ижемская СОШ»         МБОУ «Ижемская СОШ» Project “Our great grandparents - participants of the Great Patriotic War”   Выполнили: учащиеся 10 б класса Истомина Василин

Our great grandparents - participants of the Great Patriotic War

1. МБОУ «Ижемская СОШ»         МБОУ «Ижемская СОШ» Project “Our great grandparents - participants of the Great Patriotic War”   Выполнили: учащиеся 10 б класса Истомина Василин

МБОУ «Ижемская СОШ»
“Our great grandparents
- participants
of the Great Patriotic War”
учащиеся 10 б класса
Истомина Василина,
Канева Диана,
Канева Евгения,
Канева Наталья,
Канева Татьяна,
Филиппова Анастасия,
Филиппов Руслан
учитель английского языка
Братенкова Т. А.
Ижма 2015

2. The results of the survey 40 pupils were asked if they know about their relatives – participants of the Great Patriotic War.

Total votes
Know well
Have heard
Poll - chart
Know well

3. Проблема:

На уроке английского языка мы заговорили о
том, хорошо ли мы знаем историю своей
семьи. Оказалось, у каждого из нашей группы
в семье есть участники Великой
Отечественной войны. Но мы о них очень
мало знаем. Мы решили узнать как можно
больше о наших родственниках – участниках
Великой Отечественной войны.

4. Цель проекта:

Задачи проекта:
• Найти и изучить материалы
о наших прадедах и
попытаться приблизиться к
пониманию военной эпохи
через конкретных людей.
• Выяснить источники
Продукт проекта:
Доклад и презентация на
тему «Our great grandparents
– participants of the Great
Patriotic War» на английском
Тип проекта:
информации (опрос
родственников, интернетресурсы, районный архив,
районный музей, книга памяти
• Изучить семейный архив
(фотоальбомы, письма);
•Собрать и проанализировать
•Перевести информацию на
английский язык;
•Оформить доклад с
использованием презентации.

5. Практическая значимость проекта:

• Практическое применение английского языка
в реальной жизни;
• Знание истории семьи даёт чувство
принадлежности к истории и к своей семье.
• Привлечение внимания наших сверстников к
истории ВОВ и их прадедов – участников

6. Content

1. Introduction
2. The main body
• Where did we search for the information?
• General information about the Great
Patriotic War
• General information about our great
grandparents - the participants of the GPW
• Our great grandparents’ awards
3. Survey
4. Conclusion
5. Resourses


Where did we search for the information?
We have got the information from many resources.
- Our close and distant relatives.
- Family photo albums.
-In the Internet there are a lot of sites devoted
to the Great Patriotic War. One of them is
“Podvig naroda”
- Wikipedia.
- The statistics in our local military commissariat.
-Our local archive and our local museum

8. General information about the Great Patriotic War Lasted from 1941 to 1945. It was the deadliest war  in our history . Central and Eastern European countries were involved into the conflict. The reason – aggression of Germany. Commanders – I. Stalin

General information
about the Great Patriotic War
Lasted from 1941 to 1945.
It was the deadliest war in our history .
Central and Eastern European
countries were involved into the conflict.
The reason – aggression of Germany.
Commanders – I. Stalin and A. Hitler.
The result – The USSR won the war
5. 386 young people from Izhma district
fought against fascists during the war.
2. 625 of them were killed.


Exploring my family’s past I
discovered that
my great grandmother took
part in the Great Patriotic
Galay Polina Nikolaevna was
born in 1922. in the village
of Izhma.

10. In our family there are many documents which can tell us about my great grandmother’s life and her participation in the war.

The Birth certificate of
my great grandmother
The certificates
to awards

11. According to the documents of Izhma Military Commissariat Polina Nikolaevna was sent to the war on the 17th of July, 1942


These documents are very valuable and contain a lot
of information.
My great grandmother was a private.
She took part in warfare from July 1942 to 1945.
In the rifle regiment she was a nurse and
helped wounded soldiers and officers.


My great grandmother was awarded to the order of the
Patriotic War 2nd class and a lot of medals


My great grandmother took an active part in
Izhma veteran’s organization.
She often met with other veterans of the Great
Patriotic War.

15. My great grandfather Filippov Fedor Stepanovich also took part in the Great Patriotic War.

Filippov Fedor Stepanovich
was born in 1922
in the village of Moshyuga
in Izhma district of


I found his name in the list of the young
people who were sent to the Great
Patriotic War in 1941by Izhma Military

17. My great grandfather’s Certificate of a Participant in the Great  Patriotic War

My great grandfather’s
Certificate of a Participant in the Great
Patriotic War


My great grandfather fought against
fascists in the 144th infantry regiment
at Kalinin front and was wounded
twice, in 1943 and in 1945

19. The information from the site

My great grandfather was awarded to
The Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class.
The Order of the Patriotic War was
awarded to all soldiers in the Soviet
armed forces, security troops, and to
partisans for heroic deeds during
the Great Patriotic War
He had the Medal "For the Victory
over Germany in the Great Patriotic
War 1941–1945"

20. After the war my great grandfather worked as an accountant and a Chairman of the village council. He died in June 1999

After the war
my great grandfather
worked as an accountant
and a Chairman of the
village council.
He died in June 1999


My great
Kanev Kuzma
was born in 1905
in village of Izhma ,
Izhma district,
Komi ASSR.
The photo was taken on the
21st of October 1944
Died - 02.12.1968


At first I asked my relatives about my great grandfather.
My grandmother Agrafena tried to help me. She told
me that Kuzma Vasilyevich fought against fascists
on the Western Front and was among participants of
the heroic assault and capture of Berlin.


Rank: sergeant in RRCA since 1944
Izhma military Commissariat, Komi ASSR,
Izhma district


The sergeant Kanev Kuzma Vasilyevich was
responsible for food warehouse. He took care
of soldiers and made his best to deliver good
food to them. The food was always delivered
in time.
He inspected the storage of products and tried
to save them fresh.


Medal for Battle
Merit was a Soviet
military medal
awarded for combat
action resulting in
military success.
The Certificate to
the Medal "For the
Victory over
Germany in the
Great Patriotic War


Kanev Nikita Ivanovich
It is my
He was born in 1925
in the village of Maloe Galovo,
Izhma district,


On the 30th of March 1943 , when he has 18, my
great grandfather went to
the Great Patriotic War.
The list of the young people who were sent to
the Great Patriotic War by Izhma Military


My great-grandfather
participated in the Battle of
He was awarded
The Order of the Patriotic
War 2nd class
Medal of Valor or Medal
of Bravery. It was given to
those who served with
courage and engaged in
specific acts of bravery or


• After the war, my grandfather worked very hard.
He was a wood master making window frames,
boats, toys for children.
• He worked on the farm.
• He had 9 children.
• Died in 1988


Once in English lesson we spoke about the Great
Patriotic War. It sparked in me the desire to find out as
much as I could about my great grandfather who took
part in the Great Patriotic War.
My great grandfather
Filippov Dmitry Nikolaevich
was born in 1906 in the village of Ust-Izhma, Izhma
district, Komi ASSR


The information from the “Memory Book”
My great grandfather was sent to the Great Patriotic War
in August 23, 1941 by Izhma Military Commissariat.
He was a member of tank crew, a private.
He died from wounds in February 4, 1942.


My great grandfather
Kanev Vasiliy Dmitrievich
was born in 1925
in Izhma.


The information from the
“Memory Book”


At the age of 19 my great grandfather became a
volunteer and joined the army.
It was in January 1943. Russian soldiers defended
Sevastopol for 250 days.
My great - grandfather was severely wounded. After
the hospital he again went to the front.
December 1944
he was demobilized.

35. My great-grandfather, Kanev Vasily was awarded to many medals for bravery and courage. But the most important medal, I think, was the medal “For defence of Sevastopol”  I'm proud of my great-grandfather, his heroism, his courage and bravery .

My great-grandfather, Kanev Vasily was awarded
to many medals for bravery and courage. But the
most important medal, I think, was the medal
“For defence of Sevastopol”
I'm proud of my great-grandfather,
his heroism,
his courage and bravery .


My great
Filippov Ivan
was born in 1919 in
the village of Izhma,


My great grandfather went to the war in
1941. He fought against fascists in the
Red Army 5th tank division. Twice
wounded, returned home disabled.
In 1941


My great grandfather was awarded to
Order of the Patriotic War
first and second class for heroic deeds
during the Great Patriotic War.
This order came in first class and
second class depending upon the merit
of the deed.


After the war my great grandfather worked in the
library. He liked Komi Literature.
When retired he became the head of Izhma Muzeum.
He did his best to collect and save a lot of documents
and materials about the history of Izhma.
He started the exhibition devoted to
soldiers who were killed during the Great Patriotic War.


We remember and
we are proud of
our great grandparents
• We remember our great grandparents in our families.
We save the documents and often watch photo albums.
• We take part in meetings on May 9.
We go to the cemetery, to their obelisks and put
flowers to it.


In conclusion
We have learned that 5 386 young people from Izhma
district went to the war during 1941-1945
2 625 didn’t come back from the war
What we discovered actually gave us a sense of
history. We felt we had direct personal connection with the
period of the war.
It gave us a sense of who we are and where we have
come from.
We are proud we are our great grandparents’ great
The survey showed that many pupils have no idea
about their great grandparents who took part in the Great
Patriotic War. We are sure, today, when we live in the
conditions of political and military tension, it is very
topical to study the history of the war, learn as much as
possible about the participants of the war.

42. Resourses used

Районный архив;
Семейный фотоальбом;
Архив военного комиссариата по Ижемскому
Районный музей.
Учебник «Enjoy English – 10», Unit 2
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