Civilisation Aztecs
Store… Fact № 1
Fact № 2
Fact № 3
Fact № 4
Fact № 5
Fact № 6
Fact № 7
Fact № 8
Fact № 9
Fact № 10
Categories: historyhistory englishenglish

Civilisation Aztecs

1. Civilisation Aztecs

Grudeva Mariia

2. Store… Fact № 1

O The Aztecs lived in central Mexico.

3. Fact № 2

O They had a great empire in the 20th century.

4. Fact № 3

O They were fishermen.

5. Fact № 4

O They used carrots instead of money .

6. Fact № 5

O Girls stayed home to help with cooking and

7. Fact № 6

O They were playing cards.

8. Fact № 7

O They preferred to kill not capture

9. Fact № 8

They usually buried their dead beneath their

10. Fact № 9

They also had glands, steel

11. Fact № 10

One of the reasons for the decline of this
civilization began to European diseases


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